Are Tinted Visors Allowed In The NFL?

If you’re a fan of the NFL, you may have noticed that some players are wearing tinted visors on their helmets. You may be wondering if this is allowed and if so, why players would choose to do so. Keep reading to find out the answer to your question.

Are Tinted Visors Allowed In The NFL?


Some NFL players wear tinted visors to help reduce the glare from the sun and stadium lights. While there are no specific rules prohibiting the use of tinted visors, players must wear visors that meet the NFL’s standards for safety equipment.

Player safety is always the league’s top priority, and tinted visors that do not meet the NFL’s safety standards could pose a risk to players. If a player wants to wear a tinted visor, they must get approval from the league office.

What is the NFL’s policy on tinted visors?

The National Football League’s policy on tinted visors has undergone several changes in recent years. In 2013, the league banned the use of tinted visors, citing player safety concerns. However, following a petition from players, the NFL relaxed its stance on the matter, allowing players to wear tinted visors as long as they obtain special permission from the league.

As of 2019, the NFL’s policy on tinted visors is as follows: “Tinted visors on helmets are permissible if a player has a medical condition that warrants wearing one.” Players wishing to wear a tinted visor must submit documentation from a doctor explaining why the player needs to wear the visor. Once approved, players are allowed to wear tinted visors during all practices and games.

The NFL’s policy on tinted visors has come under scrutiny in recent years, with some players and doctors arguing that there is no evidence that tints improve vision or protect against concussions. However, the league has not changed its stance on the matter at this time.

Why do some players wear tinted visors?

Players have a variety of reasons for why they choose to wear tinted visors. Some players wear them because they have sensitive eyes and the glare from the stadium lights is too much for them. Other players wear them because they think it makes them look more intimidating on the field.

There are also some players who wear tinted visors because they have suffered from eye injuries in the past and they want to protect their eyes from further damage. Whatever the reason, tinted visors are a popular choice for many players in the NFL.

Are there any benefits to wearing a tinted visor?

While there is no rule explicitly forbidding the use of tinted visors in the NFL, players are required to wear visors that are “clear and natural-colored.” However, players are allowed to wear tinted visors if they can prove that they need them for medical reasons.

There are a few benefits to wearing a tinted visor. First, they can help reduce glare from the sun or artificial lighting. This can be especially helpful for players who have light sensitivity or other eye conditions that make it difficult to see in bright conditions. Tinted visors can also help reduce the amount of UV rays that enter the eyes, which can help protect the eyes from damage over time.

However, tinted visors also have some drawbacks. First, they can make it more difficult to see in low-light conditions, such as during night games or in bad weather. They can also make it more difficult to communicate with teammates, since it can be harder to read their expressions. Overall, whether or not to wear a tinted visor is a personal decision that each player has to make based on their own needs and preferences.

Are there any drawbacks to wearing a tinted visor?

Yes, NFL players are allowed to wear tinted visors. However, there are some drawbacks associated with doing so. The biggest concern is that they can limit the player’s ability to see in low-light conditions, which could potentially lead to injuries. Additionally, tinted visors can also make it difficult for opponents to identify the player, which could lead to confusion on the field.


After doing research on the NFL’s website, it appears that tinted visors are not allowed to be worn during games. The only exception to this rule is if a player has a medical condition that requires the use of a tinted visor. If a player is found to be wearing a tinted visor during a game, they will be subject to a fine.

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