How to Make a Baseball Flag SVG

Have you ever wanted to make a baseball flag SVG? Here’s a tutorial on how to do just that!


SVG, or Scalable Vector graphics is a file format that allows for infinite resizing without losing image quality. That makes it perfect for creating flags, as they can be resized to any dimensions without losing fidelity.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how to make a baseball flag SVG using Inkscape, a free vector-based design program. We’ll cover how to set up the file, how to trace an image to create vectors, and how to add color and text. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll know how to create your own baseball flag SVG that you can use for whatever project you like!

What You Need

To make this baseball flag SVG, you will need the following:
-Avector editing program like Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, or Sketch
-A JPEG or PNG image of a baseball
-The fonts Libre Baskerville and Bebas Neue (Both are free fonts that can be downloaded online)
-Some patience and a steady hand (optional)

Making the Flag

To make the baseball flag, you will need a piece of white felt, a piece of red felt, and a needle and thread. You will also need a small amount of stuffing.

First, cut the white felt into a rectangle measuring 12″ by 18″. Then, cut the red felt into a smaller rectangle measuring 6″ by 9″.

Next, take the smaller rectangle of red felt and place it in the center of the larger rectangle of white felt. Sew the two pieces of felt together along all four sides, making sure to leave an opening at the top.

Once the two pieces of felt are sewn together, stuff the flag with stuffing. Then sew the opening at the top closed.

Finally, use needle and thread to attach the flag to a stick or dowel. Your baseball flag is now complete!

Adding the Text

To add the text, we first need to create a text element. In SVG, there are two ways to create text. The first is to use the element:

I love SVG!

This will create a new line of text at position 0,15. The x and y attributes determine the position of the text baseline, not the top left corner of the text as is common in other image formats.

Adding the Baseball

Now that you have the flag all set up, it’s time to add the baseball. Start by creating a new layer on top of the flag layer. Then use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw a perfect circle. To make things easier, hold down the Shift key while you’re drawing to keep it perfectly round.

Adding the Stars

After you have added the basic shape of the flag to your design, it is time to add the stars. You can either create your own star design or use a ready-made SVG file.

To create your own stars, start by drawing a five-pointed star with the Polygon tool. Set the stroke width to 0.5px and the stroke color to white. Then, copy and paste the star five more times so that you have six stars in total.

Arrange the stars in three rows of two, with each row slightly offset from the other. Once you are happy with the placement of the stars, group them together (Ctrl + G) and duplicate them (Ctrl + D). Move the duplicated group of stars over to the right side of the flag so that they are mirroring the first group of stars.

Adding the Stripes

To add the stripes, we need to use the element. First, we’ll create a

Saving the File

Assuming you have Inkscape open with your baseball flag design, go to File > Save As… to open the save dialogue window. In the file type drop down menu, select “Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)”.This will bring up another window asking you to select options for saving. Ensure that “Resolution” is set at “90 dpi” and “ CSS properties” is checked off before clicking okay.


This is the end of our guide on how to make a baseball flag SVG. We hope you found it helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.


This drawing is by John Doe and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).

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