Baseball Interference – What You Need to Know

In baseball, interference is when a player obstructs another player who is trying to catch a ball or make a play. It can be a very frustrating experience for the player who is obstructed, as well as for the fans who are watching.


In baseball, interference is the act of an offensive player illegally interfering with the play of a Defensive Player The most common form of interference is known as catcher’s interference, which occurs when a batter obstructs a catcher’s view of the pitch or hinders his ability to field the ball. Other forms of interference include batter’s interference (when a batter obstructs a fielder’s ability to make a play on the ball) and baserunner’s interference (when a baserunner impedes a fielder’s ability to field the ball or make a play).

Interference can also be called on a Defensive Player if he attempts to hinder an offensive player from making a play. For example, if a defender tries to trip an opposing baserunner, he can be called for interference.

In all cases of interference, the ball is dead and all runners are awarded one base. If the interference occurs on a batted ball the batter is also awarded first base.

What is Baseball Interference?

Interference is defined in Rule 6.01 of the MLB Rulebook as, “actions by a coach, player, or non-player personnel that obstructs, impedes, hinders or confuses any opposing player attempting to make a play.” There are two types of interference: offensive and defensive. Both result in the runners being called out and the batter being awarded first base if he is not on first base at the time of the interference.

If a runner is interfered with by a fielder while he is not on base, it is defensive interference and the batter is awarded first base. If a runner is interfered with by a fielder while he is on base, it is offensive interference and the batter is not awarded first base. If a catcher interferes with a batter while he is swinging at a pitch, it is Offensive interference and the batter is awarded first base.

The Rule of Baseball Interference

In baseball, interference is the act of one player illegally changing the course of play from what is expected. In simple terms, it’s a violation of the sport’s basic rules. It can occur on offensively, defensively, or on the base paths.

There are two types of interference:
1) Offensive interference occurs when a batter or runner impedes the defense’s ability to execute a play. For example, a runner may inadvertently get in the way of a fielder trying to catch a fly ball or a batter may swing and hit the catcher’s glove before it has a chance to reach the pitching zone (this is also known as “catcher’s interference”).
2) Defensive interference occurs when a defensive player hampers a offensive player during play. For example, if an infielder reaches over the outfield fence to try and catch a fly ball, he has committed defensive interference.

Types of Interference

In baseball, interference is defined as an act (physical or verbal) by a player or non-player that impedes the progress of any fielder making a play. If interference is called, the ball is dead and runners must return to their base/bases occupied at the time of the pitch. The offending team is also penalized, depending on the type of interference.

There are two types of interference in baseball: offensive interference and defensive interference.

Offensive interference occurs when a batter or baserunner impedes the defensive team’s ability to make a play on another baserunner. For example, if a baserunner intentionally interferes with a fielder’s ability to make a play on another baserunner, he will be called out and the other baserunner will be returned to his previous base. If offensive interference occurs while the batter is still at bat, he will be called out and all other runners will return to their previous base.

Defensive interference occurs when a fielder impedes the progress of a batter or baserunner. For example, if a fielder blocks the plate while a runner is trying to score, he will be called out and the runner will be awarded home plate If defensive interference occurs while the batter is still at bat, he will be awarded first base and all other runners advance one base.

When is Interference Called?

Interference is a judgment call by the umpire, so some leeway is given to the offensive team when it comes to plays at the plate. If a baserunner is called out for interference, he is also out automatically if he was the runner closest to home plate when the interference occurred. If there is a follow-up play, such as a fielder’s choice or a force out, the baserunner can be called out for interference on that play as well.

Examples of Interference

Interference can happen on any play where the batter, catcher, or fielder hinders the other team’s ability to execute a play. Here are a few examples of interference:

-A batter swinging his bat and hitting a catcher in the head while he’s trying to throw out a runner stealing second base.
-A baserunner intentionally sliding hard into second base in an attempt to break up a double play and instead takes out the shortstop.
-A fielder reaches over the fence into the stands in an attempt to catch a foul ball and instead knocks down a spectator.

In all of these cases, interference should be called by the umpire, and the offended team should be awarded whatever bases they would have gotten had the interference not occurred.

Impact of Interference

In baseball, interference is defined as an act by a fielder that impedes the progress of a batter or runner, whether intentional or not. If interference is ruled, the ball is dead and each runner is awarded one base. The base runners can also advance beyond first base if forced to do so by the interference. In the case of a batter-runner, he is awarded first base if he had been tagged out or would have otherwise been called out before reaching first.

Preventing Interference

Interference occurs in baseball when a baserunner or a fielder hinders the defensive team’s ability to execute a play. There are two types of interference: offensive interference and defensive interference. Offensive interference occurs when a baserunner hinders the defense’s ability to make a play on another baserunner, while defensive interference occurs when a fielder hinders the offense’s ability to make a play on a baserunner.

The most common type of defensive interference is when a fielder obstructs a baserunner’s path while he is trying to advance to the next base. Fielders can also interfere with runners by impeding their progress while they are trying to return to their previous base. Another form of defensive interference occurs when a fielder catches a batted ball in foul territory and then steps into fair territory while the runner is still advancing. This is called foul territory interference.

Offensive interference can occur when a runner intentionally interferes with the defense’s ability to make a play. For example, if a runner deliberately kicks the ball out of the infielder’s glove while he is trying to throw out another runner at first base, this would be considered offensive interference. Ifa runner tries to break up a double play by sliding into second base and hitting the middle infielder with his feet or spikes before he has had time to field the ball, this would also be considered offensive interference.


In baseball, interference is the act of one player illegally changing the course of play from what is expected. It is a judgment call made by the umpire.
The most common type of interference occurs when a batter steps out of the batter’s box and into the path of a catcher who is trying to field a Foul Ball
Other forms of interference can occur on double plays, when a baserunner intentionally interferes with a fielder’s catch or throw, or when a fielder hinders a baserunner’s progress.
In all cases, interference is penalized by the umpire calling out the offending player and awarding bases to any runners who were affected by the interference.


Q: What is interference in baseball?
Interference is defined as an act by a team member that impedes the progress of another player who is legitimately trying to catch or field a ball. In other words, it’s when one player tries to stop another player from doing his job. There are two types of interference: offensive and defensive.

Q: What is defensive interference in baseball?
Defensive interference occurs when a fielder illegally impedes a baserunner’s progress during a play. This includes, but is not limited to, a fielder:
-Standing in the basepath without the ball
-Reaching over the outfield fence without the ball
-aguishly extending his arms or legs into the basepath while not possessing the ball
Penalty: The baserunner is awarded the base he would have reached had there been no interference. If the baserunner was going to score, he is still awarded a run. If it occurs with two outs, the batter automatically comes up and any runners advance an extra base.

Q: What is offensive interference in baseball?
Offensive interference occurs when a batter or baserunner impedes the defense’s ability to make an out. This includes, but is not limited to, a runner:

-Hitting a catcher with his arm or bat while he’s trying to throw out another runner (this does not apply if the catcher drops the ball)
-intentionally interfering with a fielder making a play on another runner (for example, by running behind him)

Penalty: The batter is automatically out and all runners must return to their original bases. If this happens with two outs, no runs can score on that play.

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