A Baseball Poem for the Ages
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- The baseball poem for the ages
- The poem that every baseball fan will love
- A must-read for any baseball fan
- The best baseball poem ever written
- A poem that captures the essence of baseball
- The perfect poem for any baseball lover
- A beautiful baseball poem that will make you smile
- A heartwarming baseball poem that will make you cry
- A funny baseball poem that will make you laugh
- A touching baseball poem that will make you think
Here is a baseball poem that is sure to stand the test of time.
The baseball poem for the ages
The baseball poem for the ages was written by an unknown author, but it has been passed down through the generations of baseball fans It is a poem that captures the essence of the game and the love that fans have for it.
The poem that every baseball fan will love
“It’s a game of inches, not seconds.”
That’s what they always say,
The ones who know the score,
The ones who’ve played the game,
And seen it all before.
It’s a game of hanging curves,
Of Timmy Lincecum sliders,
Of line drives off the Green Monster
And fly balls to center field.
It’s a game of grit and determination,
Of Joey Votto home runs and Albert Pujols RBIs,
Of robbed home runs and unassisted double plays.
It’s a game of legends,
Of Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron
Of Willie Mays and Stan Musial
Of Derek Jeter and Ichiro Suzuki
And it’s a game that we all love,
Whether we’re ten or ninety-two,
Because there’s nothing like baseball,
A must-read for any baseball fan
“I don’t care if I’m in the Hall of Fame or not,” said Spahn. “All I want them to remember is that I was the best there was.”
This poem by Casey at the Bat is a must-read for any baseball fan
The best baseball poem ever written
baseball is like life
It can be beautiful and cruel
sometimes at the same time
It can make you laugh and cry
It can fill you with hope and despair
All in the span of nine innings
Baseball is like life
You never know what’s going to happen next
One minute you’re on top of the world
The next you’re wondering what hit you
The best baseball poem ever written? Maybe not, but it captures the essence of the game perfectly.
A poem that captures the essence of baseball
“The crack of the bat,
The cheering of the crowd,
The smell of the freshly cut grass,
These are the things that make baseball so special.
It’s a game that can be enjoyed by young and old alike,
A game that brings people together,
A game that is truly unique.
Baseball is America’s pastime,
And it’s a game that we all love.
The perfect poem for any baseball lover
There is no sound quite like the crack of a bat
Or the thump of a ball in a glove
It’s the sound of summer and childhood dreams
And it always makes me smile
I can close my eyes and see the greenest field
With white lines running from foul pole to foul pole
And I can see the players running and jumping
And I can hear the cheers from the crowd
Baseball is a game of inches and split seconds
A game of strategy and daring
A game where anything can happen
And I love it for all of those things
When I’m feeling down or out of sorts
I know that a trip to the ballpark will lift my spirits
There’s just something about the smell of hot dogs and popcorn
That makes everything better
A beautiful baseball poem that will make you smile
Every now and then,
a piece of art comes along
that just makes you smile.
For baseball fans
this poem by Ogden Nash
is one of those pieces.
“A Baseball Fan’s Lament”
I do not like green fields,
I like concrete and steel.
I do not like sunny days,
I like it when it’s cold and gray.
I do not like to touch a flower,
I like to smash a face.
I do not want to hear a bird,
I want to hear the crunch of bone.
I do not like a friendly gesture,
I like a raised middle finger
I do not want to see the night sky,
I want to see the lights of the city.
I do not want to sing “Kumbaya”,
I want to shout obscenities.
I am not a baseball fan
I am a baseball hater!
A heartwarming baseball poem that will make you cry
baseball season is over
the boys of summer have gone away
but in our hearts, they’ll always stay
we’ll never forget the great times
the home runs the strikeouts, the diving catches
those were the days
we’ll never forget the friends we made
the ones who were there through thick and thin
who cheering us on through every game
we’ll never forget how much fun we had
playing America’s favorite pastime
even though the season is over,
our love for the game will live on forever
A funny baseball poem that will make you laugh
Why baseball is the best game,
Is hard to understand.
It’s not as fast as football,
Nor as rough as hockey.
There’s no clock to tell you when to stop,
You just play until it’s done.
And when it’s over, very often,
The team that should have won, lost.
A touching baseball poem that will make you think
A baseball poem for the ages
A touching baseball poem that will make you think
about the game we love so much,
and how it touches our lives in ways small and large.
We’ll never forget those moments,
or the way the game made us feel;
it’s a part of who we are,
and will always be a part of our history.