Basketball Referee Gets 30 Stitches After Teen Players Attack Him

In a tragic incident, a basketball referee was attacked by teen players and had to get 30 stitches.


On Tuesday night, a High School basketball referee in Massachusetts was attacked by two teenage players and had to get 30 stitches, officials said. The attack happened during a game between two rivals, North high school and South high school in Worcester.

The referee, who has not been identified, was taken to a hospital after the attack and was treated for lacerations to his face. The two players who attacked him were arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

The game was officially incompetence of play because of the fight. This is not the first time an attack like this has happened during a high school basketball game in fact, there have been several recent incidents of violence during high school basketball games across the country.

Witnesses said that the fight started after one of the players fouled out of the game. He was arguing with the referee and then punched him in the face. The other player then joined in and both of them started hitting and kicking the referee.

The attack

Basketball referee Froilan Mendoza was recently attacked by two teenage players during a game in the Philippines. Mendoza was trying to break up a fight between the two players when they suddenly turned on him, punching and kicking him in the head and face. The attack left Mendoza with 30 stitches and a concussion.

The aftermath

The referee who was attacked by two teenage basketball players in a horrific on-court assault was left with 30 stitches in his head and may require reconstructive surgery, officials said Friday.

The 46-year-old man, whose name has not been released, was officiating a game at the Yosemite Lakes Park near Fresno, Calif., Thursday night when he called a foul on one of the players.

The player, identified as 18-year-old Deshawn Haston, became enraged and began arguing with the ref, according to Joe Rocha of the Madera County Sheriff’s Department.

Haston then punched the ref in the face, knocking him to the ground, and began kicking him in the head as he lay unconscious, Rocha said.

A second player, 17-year-old Jborne Mitchell, also began punching and kicking the ref before other people at the park intervened and stopped the attack.

The response

The response to the attack was swift. The school district placed the three teens involved on suspension, while the police department sought to press charges. The county prosecutor’s office is still investigating whether to file charges against the teens.

The investigation

The investigation is still ongoing, but witnesses say that the referee was attacked by two teenage players after he made a call they disagreed with. The players have been suspended from the team pending the outcome of the investigation. The referee was taken to the hospital and received 30 stitches for his injuries.

The charges

The charges against the three basketball players who attacked a referee during a game on Tuesday night are still being determined, but they could be facing felony charges, officials said.

The melee took place during a game between Northview and View High schools in Sylvania, Ohio. The referee, John Higgins, was punched and beaten by several players after he made a call that displeased the Southview bench.

The trial

The trial of the two teenage basketball players accused of attacking a referee began today. The boys, who are both 16, are charged with assault and battery in connection with the attack, which left the referee with 30 stitches.

The incident occurred during a summer basketball game in July of last year. The referee, who is in his mid-50s, was allegedly attacked by the two teens after he made a call that they didn’t agree with.

Witnesses say that the boys punched and kicked the referee numerous times, even after he was down on the ground. He was taken to the hospital and treated for his injuries.

The teens could face up to 10 Years in Prison if they are convicted of the charges against them.

The verdict

A jury has acquitted two teenage basketball players accused of attacking a referee who required 30 stitches to close a gash in his head.

The sentence

In a terrifying incident, a Basketball referee was attacked by two teenage players and had to be hospitalized with 30 stitches. The attack happened during a game in Queens, New York, and the referee, who has not been identified, is lucky to be alive.

According to witnesses, the two players became angry at the referee for making a call they didn’t agree with. They began arguing with him and then, without warning, both players attacked him. One player punched the referee in the face while the other player kicked him in the head.

The referee was knocked unconscious and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. He is expected to make a full recovery, but it’s not clear if he will ever be able to referee again.

This incident is a reminder of how dangerous it can be to be a referee. These officials are often unprotected and vulnerable to attack by players who don’t want to follow the rules. We hope that this man recovers quickly and that his attackers are brought to justice.

The appeal

The teenager who clotheslined a high school basketball referee during a game this month, leaving the official with a concussion and 30 stitches, will have his case heard by an appeals court, his lawyer said on Wednesday.

The player, who was not identified because he was a juvenile, was charged with third-degree assault after the Jan. 13 attack on Referee John Higgins during a game in Omaha between Millard North high school and Burke High School The Nebraska Attorney General’s Office said the player had been suspended from school for 10 days.

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