Can a NFL Game End in a Tie?

The short answer is yes, a NFL game can end in a tie. In fact, it happens quite often! Here’s a look at some of the most famous tied games in NFL history.

Can a NFL Game End in a Tie?


In the NFL, there are two types of games that can end in a tie: regulation games and preseason or exhibition games. In a regulation game, if the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the teams will play an additional period of overtime. If the score is still tied after overtime, the game ends in a tie. In a preseason or exhibition game, if the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game ends in a tie.

What Happens When the Score is Tied at the End of Regulation in the NFL?

In the NFL, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game goes into overtime. The team that wins the coin toss gets to choose whether to receive or kick off. During overtime, each team has a chance to possess the ball and score. If the score is still tied after both teams have had a possession, the game ends in a tie.

Both Teams Receive a Loss

In the NFL, both teams receive a loss if the score is tied at the end of regulation. This has been the case since 1972, when the league adopted sudden death overtime. In sudden death overtime, the first team to score wins the game, regardless of how many points they score.

The Game Goes into Overtime

If the score is still tied at the end of the overtime period, the game is declared a tie. During the regular season, each team is allowed to carry only 53 players on its active/inactive list. However, during overtime periods of games that end in a tie, each team is allowed to dress a maximum of 59 players (56 active and three inactive).

What is the Difference Between a Tie and a Push in the NFL?

In the NFL, a tie is when the score is equal at the end of regulation time. A push is when the score is equal at the end of regulation time, but there is no winner or loser. In a tie, both teams get one point in the standings. In a push, neither team gets a point.

A Tie is When the Score is Even at the End of Regulation

In the National Football League (NFL), a tie occurs when the score is even at the end of regulation time. Regulation time is 60 minutes, divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each. If the score is still tied after each team has had the ball for two possessions in overtime, the game ends in a tie.

The last NFL game to end in a tie was on November 24, 2002, between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Philadelphia Eagles. The final score was 13-13. Since then, there have been several games that have come close to ending in a tie, but all were decided by a field goal in overtime.

A tie is different than a push, which is when the betting line is such that neither team is favored to win. A push results in no winner or loser, and all bets are refunded.

A Push is When the Score is Even at the End of the Game, Including Overtime

In the NFL, a push is when the score is even at the end of the game, including overtime. A tie occurs when the score is still tied after overtime. If the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game goes into overtime. During overtime, each team gets one possession to score. If both teams score on their possessions, or if neither team scores, the game ends in a tie.

How Often do NFL Games End in Ties?

Though it is possible for an NFL game to end in a tie, it is not a common occurrence. In the history of the NFL, there have only been 3 games that have ended in a tie. Let’s take a look at how often NFL games end in a tie.

There Have Been 42 Ties in NFL History

Despite the NFL’s exploration of overtime rules changes in recent years, ties remain a part of the game. In fact, there have been 42 ties in NFL history, with the most recent one coming in 2016 between the Seahawks and Cardinals.

Interestingly, there hasn’t been a single season since 1974 where there hasn’t been at least one tie. So if you’re worried about your favorite team’s chances of heading to overtime, don’t be – there’s a good chance it could happen.

And if you’re really looking for a long shot, bet that the game will end in a score of 0-0 – it’s happened seven times in NFL history.

The Last Tie Was in 2016 Between the Seattle Seahawks and the Arizona Cardinals

It has been over three years since the last tie in an NFL game. That came in 2016, when the Seattle Seahawks and the Arizona Cardinals played to a 6-6 stalemate. Before that, you have to go back to 2008, when the Philadelphia Eagles and Cincinnati Bengals tied 13-13.

In total, there have been 48 ties in NFL history. That may seem like a lot, but it represents just 0.24% of all games played.

The most common score in a tie game is 6-6, which has happened 14 times. The second most common is 0-0, which has happened nine times.

Interestingly, there have been more ties in overtime than in regulation. There have been 22 ties in overtime games, compared to just 26 in regulation games.

The longest NFL game ever played was a 83-minute marathon between the Miami Dolphins and New York Jets in 1970 that ended in a 27-27 tie.


In conclusion, it is possible for a NFL game to end in a tie. However, this is rare and has only happened a handful of times in the history of the league. If the game is tied at the end of regulation, both teams will have an opportunity to score in overtime. If neither team is able to score, the game will end in a tie.

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