Can An Esports Team Surrender?

Can an esports team surrender in the middle of a match? The answer may surprise you.


In short, the answer to whether or not an esports team can surrender is yes. However, the conditions and circumstances under which a team may do so vary from game to game and league to league. For example, in some first-person shooters, a team may be allowed to “cap out” or achieve victory by exhausting the other team’s respawns; in others, teams play until all players on one side are dead. Some games may have specific conditions that must be met before a surrender can be called, such as destroying the enemy’s base or main structure.

It’s also worth noting that not all matches are played to completion; in some leagues and tournaments, matches may end early if one team is clearly and overwhelmingly ahead of the other. In these cases, there is usually no need for a formal surrender; the losing team will simply concede defeat and leave the match.

What is an Esports Team?

In short, an esports team is a group of professional gamers who compete against other teams in organized online or offline gaming competitions. These competitions can be in any game genre, but the most popular ones are first-person shooters (FPS), real-time strategy (RTS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), and fighting games.

What is Surrender?

In the context of esports, surrendering generally means that a team has admitted defeat and ended the match early. This can happen for a number of reasons, but is most common when one team is absolutely dominating the other and there is no hope of a comeback. In these cases, the losing team may feel that there is no point in continuing to play, and will end the match early in order to avoid further embarrassment.

Surrendering is also sometimes used as a strategy in close matches. If a team feels like they are about to lose a particularly important round or objective, they may decide to surrender in order to save time and resources. This way, they can regroup and try to win the next round or objective instead.

Finally, surrendered matches may also be used as a way to boost another team’s standings. In some esports leagues, points are awarded based on how many rounds or objectives a team wins. If one team knows they cannot win a match but still wants their opponents to get points, they may surrender in order to help them out.

Can an Esports Team Surrender?

Yes, an esports team can surrender. In fact, most professional esports leagues have a surrender option built into their ruleset. This allows teams to avoid playing out an unwinnable match and protects them from running up the score against a weaker opponent.

There are usually two ways to initiate a surrender in most esports: either all five players on a team must type “gg” (for “good game”) into the chat interface, or one team member can call for a vote to surrender and all players must agree. Once the surrender is initiated, the match will end early and the victory will be awarded to the opposing team.

While the option to surrender exists, it’s generally not used very often in professional matches. This is because most teams want to play out the match even if they are losing badly, in order to gain valuable experience and practice against top-tier opponents. Additionally, many esports matches have large prize pools that teams are fighting for, so giving up early is not an option for many professionals.


While there is no strict rule stating that an esports team must surrender, it is generally considered good sportsmanship to do so when the opposing team has clearly won the match. If an esports team does choose to surrender, they may do so by typing “gg” (for “good game”) into the chat interface, or by verbally announcing their intention to surrender to the opposing team.

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