Can Esports Be Considered A Sport?

Esports has seen a rapid rise in popularity in recent years. But can it really be considered a sport? We take a look at the arguments for and against.

Can Esports Be Considered A Sport?

Defining “Sport”

Before we ask whether or not esports can be considered a sport, we need to first agree on a definition for “sport.” Unfortunately, there is no one clear definition for “sport.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines a sport as “an activity such as basketball, tennis, or football, in which people do physical exercise, compete with each other, or play against an opponent.”

The activity must require physical or mental exertion

In order to be considered a sport, the activity must require physical or mental exertion. This can be in the form of running, jumping, throwing, or any other type of physical activity. However, it can also be in the form of strategy, hand-eye coordination, and critical thinking.

The activity must also have an element of competition. This can be against other individuals or teams, but there must be a way to determine a winner. The competition can be based on score, time, or any other metric.

Finally, the activity must be governed by a set of rules. These rules can be formal or informal, but they must exist in order to ensure fair play. Without rules, there would be no way to determine a winner and the activity would not be considered a sport.

The activity must have an element of competition

In order for an activity to be considered a sport, it must have an element of competition. This can be between two individuals or teams, but there must be a clear winner and loser. The activity must also require physical exertion and skill. Esports do not typically require physical exertion, although some games may require more dexterity than others.

The most common argument against esports being considered a sport is that there is no physical activity involved. However, many traditional sports do not require a high level of physical fitness, such as golf or darts. As long as the activity requires skill and there is a competition element, it can be classed as a sport.

Despite the fact that esports have only recently gained popularity, they are already well-established and are here to stay. With major tournaments being held all over the world and millions of dollars in prize money up for grabs, esports are well on their way to becoming a mainstream form of entertainment.

The activity must have rules that govern how it is played

In order to be considered a sport, the activity must have rules that govern how it is played. This is why activities like boxing and football are considered sports, while activities like weightlifting and running are not. Without rules, there would be no way to determine who wins and who loses.

The activity must also require physical activity. This does not necessarily mean that the activity must be athletic in nature, but it does mean that the participants must expend some physical effort in order to play. For example, chess is not consider a sport because the only physical activity required is moving the pieces around the board.

The final criteria that an activity must meet in order to be considered a sport is that it must be competitive. That is, there must be some sort of competition between two or more opponents with the goal of winning. Simply put, if there’s no way to win, then it’s not a sport.

Applying the Definition to Esports

To decide if esports can be considered a sport, we must look at the definition of sport. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a sport is “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” When we look at esports through this lens, we can see that there are some similarities, but there are also some key differences.

Esports requires physical or mental exertion

To be considered a sport, an activity must require physical or mental exertion. Esports do require mental exertion, as players need split-second reflexes and critical-thinking skills to succeed. But esports don’t require much physical exertion, if any at all. Players don’t need to be physically fit to compete, and there’s no running, jumping or throwing involved. Some games do have a physical element—for example, in “dance” games like “Just Dance” or “DDR,” players need to use their bodies to hit targets on the screen. But even in these cases, the players don’t need to be especially athletic or physically fit. So based on the definition of sport, esports can’t be considered sports.

Esports has an element of competition

While esports and physical sports share some commonalities, such as having teams and individual players that compete against each other, there are also some key differences that set the two apart. Perhaps the most important distinction is that while physical sports typically require players to exert themselves physically, esports generally do not.

Still, many people argue that even though esports athletes don’t have to be in excellent physical condition, they still must train rigorously and develop strategies in order to compete at a high level. And like traditional athletes, professional gamers also have to deal with the pressure of performing in front of large crowds of spectators. For these reasons, some people believe that esports should be considered a type of sport.

Esports has rules that govern how it is played

esports has rules that govern how it is played. These rules are set by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which is the governing body for all Olympic sports.


It is evident that there are many similarities between esports and traditional sports. Both require physical and mental dexterity, strategy, and teamwork. They also both have professional leagues with dedicated fans. However, there are also some key differences. Esports are primarily based around video games, while traditional sports are physical activities. In addition, traditional sports typically have more standardized rules and equipment, while esports can vary widely in both of these areas.

So, can esports be considered a sport? While there is no definitive answer, it seems that the answer is yes. Esports share many of the same qualities as traditional sports, and they are only likely to continue to grow in popularity in the years to come.

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