Can I Wash Tennis Shoes in the Washing Machine?

You’ve probably seen this question a million times. The answer is most likely yes, you can wash your tennis shoes in the washing machine.


It’s probably happened to you before. You’re getting ready for your tennis match and realize that your shoes are dirty. You don’t have time to clean them by hand, so you wonder: can I wash tennis shoes in the washing machine?

The answer is yes, you can wash tennis shoes in the washing machine. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure your shoes come out looking their best. In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to wash tennis shoes in the washing machine, as well as some tips on how to get the most out of your laundry cycle.

Why You Shouldn’t Wash Tennis Shoes in the Washing Machine

Tennis shoes are designed to withstand a lot of wear and tear, but that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible. One of the worst things you can do to your tennis shoes is put them in the washing machine. The agitation from the machine can break down the material and cause the shoes to fall apart.

They Can Fall Apart

One of the main reasons you shouldn’t wash tennis shoes in the washing machine is that they can fall apart. The fabric and material of the shoes are not meant to go through the vigorous cycle of a washing machine, and they can start to come apart at the seams. The material of the shoe can also break down and start to fall apart.

They Can Lose Their Shape

Washing your tennis shoes in the washing machine can cause them to lose their shape. The agitation from the washing machine can cause the shoes to become misshapen, and they may never regain their original form. Additionally, the heat from the dryer can also cause damage to your shoes.

The Colors Can Run

One of the reasons you shouldn’t wash tennis shoes in the washing machine is that the colors can run. If your shoes are white, this isn’t necessarily a problem. But if your shoes have any color at all, there’s a chance that the color will bleed in the wash and ruin not only your shoes but also your laundry. To avoid this problem, hand wash your shoes in cold water with a mild detergent.

How to Wash Tennis Shoes by Hand

You might be wondering if you can just throw your tennis shoes in the washing machine. Unfortunately, that is not a good idea and your shoes will probably come out ruined. It is best to wash your tennis shoes by hand. In this article, we will show you how to wash your tennis shoes by hand.

Fill a Sink or Bucket with Warm Water and Mild Soap

Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and mild soap. If your shoes are really dirty, you can add a small amount of laundry detergent to the water. Swish it around to create some suds.

Place your shoes in the water and scrub them with a soft brush or cloth. Give extra attention to any areas that are particularly dirty, such as the soles or tongue of the shoe.

Rinse your shoes thoroughly with clean water. Make sure to remove all the soap suds; if any suds remain on your shoes, they will attract dirt and make your shoes look even dirtier than before you started!

Scrub the Shoes Gently with a Soft Brush

To start, fill a sink or tub with warm water. Add a small amount of laundry detergent or shoe cleaner and mix it around. Then, gently scrub the shoes with a soft brush. Pay close attention to areas that are particularly dirty, like the soles. Once you’ve scrubbed the shoes, rinse them off with clean water.

Rinse the Shoes Thoroughly

Before you start washing your shoes, it’s important to rinse them off. This will remove any dirt or debris that could end up clogging the washing machine. If your shoes are particularly dirty, you can use a garden hose to rinse them off. Just be sure to remove the shoe laces before you start rinsing.

Once you’ve rinsed the shoes, it’s time to start washing them. You can use a standard laundry detergent or a specialty cleaner made specifically for sneakers. If you’re using a laundry detergent, be sure to choose one that doesn’t contain bleach.

##Heading:Wash the Shoes on a Gentle Cycle
Once you’ve added detergent to the washing machine, you can place the shoes in the washer. Be sure to put them in a mesh bag or pillowcase before putting them in the washer. This will help protect the shoes from damage during the wash cycle.

Set the washing machine to a gentle cycle and use cold water. Hot water can damage some of the materials used to make sneakers and it can also cause colors to bleed. After the wash cycle is complete, remove the shoes from the washer and allow them to air dry.

Let the Shoes Air Dry

Once you have removed as much of the mud and debris from the shoes as possible, it is time to let them air dry. Do not try to speed up the drying process by using a hair dryer or placing them in front of a fan. The heat from these appliances can damage the shoes. Place the shoes in an open, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and let them air dry overnight.


If you’re shoes are made of all synthetic materials, it’s generally safe to wash them in the washing machine. However, if your shoes have any leather or suede on them, it’s best to avoid machine washing them. Machine washing can cause leather and suede to shrink, discolor, or bleed.

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