Can NFL Cheerleaders Date Players?

Can NFL Cheerleaders date players? The answer may surprise you.

Can NFL Cheerleaders Date Players?


The NFL has strict rules prohibiting cheerleaders from fraternizing with players. But some cheerleaders have found ways to work around the rules. In 2008, a New Orleans Saints cheerleader was fired for dating linebacker Fred Thomas. In 2010, a Buffalo Bills cheerleader was fired for attending a party with several players. A 2012 Miami Dolphins cheerleader was also fired for dating a player.

NFL teams have different rules for their cheerleaders, but the general rule is that they cannot date or fraternize with players.

The Pros of Cheerleaders Dating Players

First and foremost, dating a player has its perks. Players are typically in excellent shape and take care of their bodies. They have access to world-class trainers and facilities, so they tend to be in better shape than the average person. Cheerleaders also tend to be attracted to men who are athletic and physically fit, so dating a player is a great way to meet someone who meets that criteria.

Another advantage of dating a player is that they understand the demands of being a professional athlete. They know how to manage their time and their schedule, and they can relate to the demands that cheerleaders face. Players also tend to be very driven and determined people, so they can help cheerleaders set goals and achieve them.

Finally, players tend to be very connected to the team and the organization. They know all the ins and outs of the organization, and they can help cheerleaders navigate the sometimes-complicated world of professional sports.

The Cons of Cheerleaders Dating Players

Many people believe that cheerleaders dating football players is part of the game. There are actually a lot of reasons why this arrangement is not a good idea. Here are some of the things to consider before getting involved with someone on the team.

1. It can create a conflict of interest.

If you are dating a player on the team, it can create a conflict of interest. It can be difficult to be objective when you are cheering for someone you are dating. You may also be tempted to give your partner special treatment, which can create tension among the other cheerleaders.

2. It can be difficult to break up.

If you do manage to date a player, it can be difficult to break up if things don’t work out. You will likely see each other often, which can make it hard to move on. In some cases, it may even be necessary to change teams if you want to avoid your ex completely.

3. It can interfere with your career goals.

Your relationship with a football player can also interfere with your career goals. If you want to pursue a career in cheering, dating a player may put your relationship ahead of your work. This can lead to missed opportunities and conflicts down the road.

The Bottom Line

While there are a few gray areas, the general rule is that NFL cheerleaders cannot date players. This is because cheerleaders are seen as representatives of the team, and dating a player would be a conflict of interest. There are also rules in place to protect cheerleaders from sexual harassment and discrimination.

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