Can NFL Coaches Be Traded?

The answer may surprise you. NFL Coaches can be traded just like players, but there are some stipulations.


In the National Football League, there is really no such thing as a coach being “traded.” However, there have been instances where a coach has left one team to take a job with another organization. For example, Bill Belichick left the New York Jets in 2000 to become the head coach of the New England Patriots.

Can NFL Coaches Be Traded?

NFL coaches are some of the most sought-after commodities in the sports world. Their services are in high demand, and they often command hefty salaries. So, it’s no surprise that teams are always looking for ways to acquire new coaches. But can NFL coaches actually be traded?

What is the NFL Coaches Association?

The National Football League Coaches Association (NFLCA) is the labor organization that represents NFL coaches. The NFLCA is responsible for negotiating coaches’ salaries and benefits and protecting their rights. The NFLCA also provides a forum for coaches to network and share ideas.

What is the NFL Coaches Association’s stance on coach trading?

The NFL Coaches Association’s (NFLCA) stance on coach trading is that it opposes the concept. In a statement released in March of 2009, the NFLCA said, “The NFLCA believes that any proposal to allow the trading of head coaches would be bad for the game and bad for coaching staffs.” The NFLCA went on to say that it believes such a proposal would “create an unstable environment in which coaches would be under constant pressure to produce immediate results or face being replaced.”

What are the benefits of coach trading?

There are several benefits that can be gained from trading coaches in the NFL. For one, it allows teams to get rid of underperforming or unwanted coaches. It also allows teams to stockpiling coaching talent, which can be used as trade bait in future years. Finally, it can create more parity in the league by giving struggling teams a chance to acquire a proven coach who can turn things around.

What are the drawbacks of coach trading?

While there are some benefits to trading coaches, there are also some drawbacks that should be considered. One of the biggest drawbacks is that it can create a sense of instability among the coaching staff and players. If a team is constantly trading coaches, it can be difficult for the staff and players to build relationships and trust. This can lead to a lack of commitment from the coaching staff and players, which can ultimately affect on-field performance.

Another drawback is that it can be difficult to find a trade partner who is willing to take on a coach with a long-term contract. Coaches typically have longer-term contracts than players, so they can be more expensive to acquire in a trade. This can make it difficult to find a trade partner, which can ultimately lead to the coach being released by the team.

Finally, trading coaches can also be disruptive to the team’s offensive and defensive schemes. If a team trades its offensive coordinator, for example, the entire offense will likely have to be revamped. This can be disruptive to the play of the entire team and may lead to on-field struggles.


In conclusion, NFL coaches can be traded under certain circumstances. However, it is not a common occurrence. If a coach is traded, it is typically because he has fallen out of favor with the team’s management or has had a disagreement with the front office. In some rare cases, a coach may be traded because he is seen as an valuable asset by another team.

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