Can NFL Players Wear Necklaces?

Can NFL players wear necklaces on the field? We did some research to find out the answer and present it to you here.

Can NFL Players Wear Necklaces?


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major professional sports leagues in North America, and the highest professional level of American football in the world. NFL players are paid to play 16 regular season games and may play up to three preseason games and two postseason games.

One of the many rules that govern NFL player conduct is that they are not allowed to wear any kind of jewelry while playing. This includes necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, and any other form of adornment. The only exception to this rule is medical alerts or religious pendants, which must be taped to the player’s body.

NFL Rule on Wearing Necklaces

One common question we get asked is whether or not NFL players are allowed to wear necklaces during games. The answer to that question is a bit complicated and has to do with the NFL’s rules on jewelry.

Basically, the NFL’s official position on jewelry is that players are not allowed to wear “hard objects” that could potentially injure another player. This includes necklace chains, earrings, and even certain types of bracelets. However, the league does make some exceptions for religious and medical purposes.

If a player wants to wear a necklace for religious reasons, they must get prior approval from the league office. The same goes for any other type of jewelry that has religious significance. As far as medical exceptions go, players are allowed to wear necklaces if they have a doctor’s note saying that it is medically necessary.

So, in short, the answer to the question is technically no, but there are some circumstances where an exception can be made.

Why Do Players Wear Necklaces?

Players often wear necklaces for personal reasons, such as to remember a loved one or to represent their culture or religion. Some players also believe that necklaces can bring them luck on the field. While there is no concrete evidence to support this claim, it is widely believed by many athletes.

Necklaces are also a popular way for players to show off their personality and style. Many players choose to wear flashy and expensive pieces as a way to express themselves. Others prefer more subdued and simpler designs. Ultimately, it is up to the player to decide what type of necklace he or she wants to wear.

players Who Wear Necklaces

While necklaces are a common accessory for many people, they are not allowed to be worn by NFL players during games. This is due to safety concerns, as necklaces can pose a choking hazard if they were to get caught on something during a play. There have been some exceptions made for players who have religious or cultural reasons for wearing a necklace, but these are rare. If you’re thinking about wearing a necklace while playing in the NFL, it’s best to check with your team’s rules first.


After research and careful analysis, it is evident that NFL players are not allowed to wear necklaces while playing. This rule is in place in order to maintain the safety of all players, as well as to preventjewelry from becoming a distraction or hazard during games. While players are not permitted to wear necklaces on the field, they are allowed to keep them on during pre-game warm-ups and post-game interviews.

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