Can Someone Own Two NFL Teams?

Can someone own two NFL teams? The answer may surprise you.


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league. It was formed by eleven teams in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association, with the league changing its name to the National Football League in 1922. The NFL is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, and the highest professional level of American football in the world. NFL owners are among some of the richest people in America, with franchise valuations in 2019 averaging at around $2.86 billion.

With that said, it’s no surprise that many individuals or groups want to own more than one team in order to increase their chances of success or profitability. However, it is actually against NFL rules for one person or group to own more than one team. In order for an individual or group to be able to own an NFL team, they must submit an application to the league office and be approved by 24 of the 32 NFL owners.

The main reason why someone would want to own two teams is because it would allow them to have a greater say in league affairs and potentially increase their profits. However, owning two teams comes with a number of risks and challenges that must be considered before making such a decision.

Below are some Pros and Cons of owning two NFL teams:

•More Say In League Affairs: As mentioned before, owning two teams would give an individual or group more power when it comes to league decisions. This could be beneficial if they feel that they can make decisions that would be beneficial for both teams or the league as a whole.
•Increased Profits: Owning two teams would also likely lead to increased profits as well. This is because they would be bringing in revenue from two different sources (i.e., ticket sales, merchandise sales, etc.).
•Synergies Between Teams: There could also be potential synergies between the two teams that could lead to even further profits. For example, if one team is based in a city with a large population of fans of the other team, then this could lead to increased ticket sales for both teams when they play each other.

•Increased Financial Risk: One of the biggest challenges of owning two NFL teams is that it would come with increased financial risk. This is because if one team were to underperform or have financial difficulties, then it could have a negative impact on the other team as well.
•Greater Responsibility: Another challenge of owning two teams is that it would likely lead to an increase in responsibility. This is because you would need to oversee both organizations and make sure that they are both run effectively.
•Less Focus: Another potential challenge is that you may not be able to focus as much on either team if you are trying to manage both at the same time

Can Someone Own Two NFL Teams?

Of course, the answer to this question is no. The National Football League forbids any one person from owning more than one team. This is because the NFL is a cartel. A cartel is an organization of different businesses that agree to come together to fix prices and production. This is done to avoid competition between the businesses and to increase profits. The NFL is a cartel because the teams fix prices by sharing television revenue and agreeing to a salary cap. The salary cap is the amount of money that each team can spend on player salaries. By sharing television revenue and agreeing to a salary cap, the teams are able to keep player salaries low and profits high.

Theoretically, Yes

In theory, someone could own two NFL teams. There are no ownership rules in place that would prohibit it. However, it would be an extremely difficult feat to accomplish.

The first hurdle would be finding the money to purchase two teams. The average NFL team is worth around $2 billion. So, you would need to have at least $4 billion to your name.

The second hurdle would be getting approval from the other NFL owners. A prospective owner needs to be approved by at least 24 of the 32 NFL owners before they can purchase a team. Given that most owners are unlikely to want to see one person have too much power in the league, it’s highly unlikely that they would approve someone owning two teams.

So while it is technically possible for someone to own two NFL teams, it is unlikely to ever happen.

But There Are Some Issues

While the NFL does not have any explicit rules banning an individual from owning two teams, there are a few reasons why it would be difficult for someone to do so.

First, the NFL requires that all team owners be financially stable and have the ability to cover any potential losses that their team may incur. This requirement would likely preclude someone from owning two teams, as the financial demands of running two franchises would be too great for one person to handle.

Second, the NFL requires that all team owners be able to devote their full attention to their franchise. This rule is in place to prevent owners from spreading themselves too thin and being unable to properly care for their team. Again, this would make it difficult for someone to own two teams, as they would need to split their time and attention between both franchises.

Lastly, the NFL has a rule in place that prohibits one person from owning more than one team in the same city. This rule is designed to prevent an owner from having too much control over a single market and gives other teams a fair chance to compete. So, even if someone was able to overcome the first two obstacles, they would still be unable to own two teams in the same city.

While it is technically possible for someone to own two NFL teams, it would be very difficult for them to do so due to a number of league rules and regulations.


In short, no one can own two NFL teams. The rule was put in place to prevent any one person or entity from having too much power or influence over the league. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but they are very rare and usually involve family members who inherit a team. So if you’re thinking about trying to buy two NFL teams, you’re out of luck.

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