Can Tennis Shoes Be Washed In A Washing Machine?

You’ve probably heard that you can clean your shoes in the washing machine, but is it really a good idea? We’ll explore the pros and cons of washing your sneakers in the machine.


In general, it is not recommended to wash tennis shoes in a washing machine. The agitation from the machine can cause damage to the shoe, and shoes can also become tangled in the machine which can cause damage as well. Additionally, washing machines do not always clean shoes as effectively as desired. However, if you are going to wash your tennis shoes in a machine, there are some tips that you can follow in order to minimize damage and ensure that your shoes come out as clean as possible.

The Pros of Washing Tennis Shoes in a Washing Machine

Some people might think that it is not a good idea to wash tennis shoes in a washing machine, however there are actually some benefits to doing this. One benefit is that it is a very convenient way to clean the shoes. Another benefit is that it can help to prolong the life of the shoes.

They will be evenly cleaned

If you have ever hand-washed your tennis shoes, you know that it can be difficult to evenly clean them without missing a spot. When you wash them in the washing machine, you can be assured that they will be evenly and thoroughly cleaned.

You can save time

Washing your shoes in the washing machine can save you a lot of time. If you hand wash your shoes, you have to clean them one at a time. This takes a lot longer than just putting them in the washing machine together.

The Cons of Washing Tennis Shoes in a Washing Machine

Washing tennis shoes in a washing machine can cause the shoes to lose their shape, color, and material. The shoes can also become discolored or damaged if they are not washed properly. If you do wash your tennis shoes in a washing machine, be sure to use a cold water cycle and a mild detergent.

They could get ruined

Washing your tennis shoes in the washing machine is not generally recommended, as there is a small chance they could be ruined in the process. While it is unlikely that your shoes will be ruined if you wash them in the washing machine on a gentle cycle with cold water, it is still possible. If you do decide to wash your shoes in the washing machine, be sure to put them in a mesh laundry bag first to help protect them.

You could end up with a moldy smell

If you wash your shoes in a washing machine, there’s a chance that they could end up smelling moldy. This is because the washer doesn’t allow for proper air circulation around the shoes, which lets mold and mildew grow.

How to Wash Tennis Shoes in a Washing Machine

If your tennis shoes are starting to look a little worse for wear, you may be wondering if you can wash them in the washing machine. The good news is that yes, you can wash tennis shoes in a washing machine! However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to ensure that your shoes come out of the wash looking and smelling fresh.

Here are a few tips for how to wash tennis shoes in a washing machine:

-Start by removing any dirt or debris from your shoes using a brush or cloth. This will help prevent your shoes from getting scuffed up during the washing process.
-Place your shoes in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase before placing them in the washing machine. This will help protect your shoes from getting tangled up with other items in the wash.
-Wash your shoes on a gentle cycle using warm water and mild detergent. Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals as these can damage your shoes.
-Once the cycle is finished, remove your shoes from the washer and allow them to air dry. Do not put them in the dryer as this can damage the materials of your shoes.


You can wash tennis shoes in the washing machine, but it’s important to exercise caution. Use a gentle cycle with cold water and avoid bleach. Let your shoes air dry afterwards to prevent damage from the dryer.

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