Can You Put Tennis Shoes in the Dryer?

We all know that tennis shoes can take a beating on the court. But can you put them in the dryer to help them last longer? We explore the pros and cons of this practice.


Most of us are familiar with the old saying, “You can’t put a tennis shoe in the dryer.” But is this true? Can you really ruin your shoes by putting them in the dryer?

The simple answer is yes, you can put tennis shoes in the dryer. However, there are certain things you need to keep in mind if you want to avoid damaging your shoes. In this article, we’ll take a look at what can happen if you put tennis shoes in the dryer, and how you can prevent it from happening.

The Drying Process

Washing your clothes is an important part of keeping them looking their best. But what about after you wash them? It is just as important to dry your clothes properly.Drying your clothes properly can help extend their life and keep them looking their best. But can you put tennis shoes in the dryer?

Air drying

One of the oldest and most traditional methods for drying clothes is to simply hang them on a clothesline and let the sun and wind do their work. This method is often used for delicate clothing items, like lingerie, since there is no risk of shrinkage or damage from heat. Air drying is also a good way to prevent wrinkles from setting in.

Machine drying

Machine drying is the most common form of drying clothes today. Clothes are placed in a drum that tumbles the clothes while hot air circulates around them. While this is the most convenient form of drying, it can also cause damage to clothes. The high temperatures can shrink clothing, and the tumbling action can cause fabric to pill.

The Risks

While you may be tempted to put your tennis shoes in the dryer to speed up the drying process, there are some risks involved. The high heat of the dryer can damage the shoe’s material and cause the shoes to shrink. The shoes can also lose their shape and become misshapen.


One of the most common risks associated with putting tennis shoes in the dryer is that they may shrink. This is especially true for shoes made of natural fibers like cotton or wool. The heat from the dryer can cause these fibers to contract, resulting in a smaller shoe. In some cases, the shrinkage may be minor and barely noticeable. In other cases, it can be significant, leaving your shoes feeling snug and uncomfortable.

Another risk is that your shoes may become misshapen. This is especially common with shoes made of synthetic materials like nylon or polyester. The heat from the dryer can cause these materials to warp, resulting in an awkward-looking shoe. In extreme cases, your shoes may become so misshapen that they’re uncomfortable to wear.

finally, putting your tennis shoes in the dryer can shorten their lifespan. This is because the heat from the dryer can break down the fibers in your shoes, making them more susceptible to wear and tear. Over time, this can cause your shoes to fall apart prematurely.

Damage to the shoe

One of the biggest risks of putting Tennis shoes in the dryer is the damage that it can cause to the shoe. The heat from the dryer can cause the glue that holds the shoes together to break down, and it can also cause the material of the shoe to become warped. This can lead to premature wear and tear on your Tennis shoes, and it can also make them more difficult to keep clean. If you do put your Tennis shoes in the dryer, be sure to check them frequently to make sure that they are not becoming damaged.

Loss of color

One of the risks of putting tennis shoes in the dryer is that they can come out a different color than when you put them in. This is because the heat from the dryer can cause the dyes in the fabric to run or fade. If you have a pair of white tennis shoes, for instance, they may come out of the dryer with a yellowish tinge.

The Benefits

Yes, you can put tennis shoes in the dryer. This is a great way to quickly dry your shoes and get them ready to wear again. The dryer will help to kill any bacteria that may be on your shoes. It will also help to remove any odors that may be present.

Quick drying time

One of the main benefits of putting your tennis shoes in the dryer is the quick drying time. If you have been caught in a rainstorm or your shoes have been soaked through from puddles, you know how long it can take for them to dry naturally. By putting them in the dryer on a low or gentle setting, you can speed up the process significantly. In most cases, your shoes will be dry and ready to wear within an hour or so.

Reduced wrinkles

Drying your shoes in the dryer can help to reduce wrinkles and keep them looking new. The heat from the dryer will help to relax the fabric and make wrinkle-removal much easier.


In conclusion, tennis shoes can be safely put in the dryer as long as you use a low heat setting and don’t over dry them. Taking these extra steps will help to prolong the life of your shoes.

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