Can You Face Guard in the NFL?

Can you face guard in the NFL? The answer may surprise you. Read on to learn more about this important rule.


In the NFL, face guarding is a technique used by defensive players to prevent the opposing receiver from catching the ball. Face guarding is not allowed any contact that constricts the receiver’s vision or movement in any way, including grabbing or holding their jersey, pulling their hair, or putting a hand in their face. If a player does any of these things, it is a penalty and the receiver will be awarded an automatic first down.

What is Face Guarding?

When a receiver is not looking back at the quarterback, the cornerback can use his hands and arms to impede the receiver’s progress. This is called “face guarding.” A faceguard is legal as long as the cornerback does not grab the receiver’s facemask, jersey, or pads.

A faceguard can only be used on a receiver who is not looking back for the ball. If the receiver looks back for the ball, the faceguard must be immediately released. Once the receiver looks back for the ball, he is considered “open” and can no longer be face guarded.

If a receiver turns his head to look back for the ball while he is running downfield, but does not slow down or make a move toward the ball, he can still be face guarded.

Does the NFL Allow Face Guarding?

The simple answer to the question is yes, you can faceguard in the NFL.

In fact, faceguarding is a common technique used by defensive backs in order to prevent wide receivers from catching the football. By getting in close proximity to the receiver and using their body to shield them from the ball, faceguarding can be an effective way to limit a receiver’s catches.

However, there are some restrictions on how and when faceguarding can be used. For example, a defender cannot grab or hold onto a receiver’s jersey in order to prevent them from making a catch. Additionally, defenders are not allowed to put their hands or arms in front of a receiver’s face in order to block their vision. If a defender does either of these things, it will result in a penalty being called against them.

So, while you can faceguard in the NFL, there are some rules that you need to be aware of in order to avoid being penalized.

How to Face Guard in the NFL

In the NFL, face guarding is a common and effective technique used by defenders to prevent the receiver from catching the ball. It involves using your body and arms to block the receiver’s view of the quarterback, making it difficult for him to catch the ball.

There are a few things you need to do to be an effective faceguarder. First, you need to be big and physical, so that you can use your body to block the receiver’s view. Second, you need to have long arms, so that you can reach out and deflect any passes that come your way. Finally, you need to be quick and agile, so that you can stay with the receiver as he tries to move around you.

If you can do all of these things, then you have a good chance of being an effective faceguarder in the NFL.


So, can you face guard in the NFL? The answer is yes, but there are some restrictions. You can’t extend your arms or grab the jersey of the receiver, and you can only use your hands to push off or reroute him. If you hold or grab the receiver, it’s a penalty.

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