Can You Get An Esports Scholarship?

Can You Get An Esports Scholarship?

The world of esports is growing rapidly, and with it, the opportunities for aspiring professional gamers. One question that we get a lot is whether or not it’s possible to get an esports scholarship.

The answer is yes! There are a number of colleges and universities that offer esports scholarships to talented gamers. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in esports, read on to learn more about how you can get an esports


Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just getting into the world of competitive gaming, you may be wondering if there’s such a thing as an esports scholarship. The answer is yes! Just like traditional sports, there are several colleges and universities that offer scholarships to students who excel in esports.

Here’s everything you need to know about esports scholarships, including how to get one and what it could cover.

What Is an Esports Scholarship?
An esports scholarship is financial aid that’s awarded to students who excel at playing video games competitively. These scholarships can be used to cover tuition, room and board, books, and other educational expenses.

Most esports scholarships are awarded by colleges and universities, but there are also some private organizations that offer them. For example, the League of Legends developer Riot Games offers a $50,000 scholarship to students who are passionate about the game and want to pursue a career in the industry.

How Can You Get an Esports Scholarship?
The best way to get an esports scholarship is to start by reaching out to the colleges or universities you’re interested in attending. Many schools now have esports teams and offer scholarships specifically for gamers.

To find out if a school has an esports team and what kind of scholarships they offer, you can check out their website or contact their admissions office directly. Once you know what schools might be a good fit for you, you can reach out to their esports team coaches and express your interest in joining the team and competing for a scholarship.

What is an Esports Scholarship?

An esports scholarship is financial aid awarded to a student athlete for the purpose of participating in collegiate esports. Like other sports scholarships, esports scholarships are typically awarded by colleges and universities to students who demonstrate exceptional skill in esports and who show potential for success in competition at the collegiate level.

While the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) does not currently recognize esports as an official sport, many colleges and universities have begun to offer esports scholarships as a way to attract talented gamers to their schools. Esports scholarships are usually awarded on a need- or merit-based basis, and they can range in value from a few hundred dollars to full tuition.

With the growing popularity of esports, more and more colleges and universities are expected to begin offering esports scholarships in the coming years. If you’re interested in gaming at the collegiate level, be sure to check with your school’s admissions office or athletic department to see if they offer any esports scholarship programs.

How to Get an Esports Scholarship

Scholarships for esports are becoming increasingly popular, with more and more colleges and universities offering them each year. If you’re an aspiring esports athlete, you may be wondering how you can get your hands on one of these scholarships. Here’s a guide to help you out.

Find a school that offers Esports Scholarships

There are a few different ways that you can go about finding a school that offers esports scholarships. The first way is to look online. There are a few websites that list colleges and universities that have esports programs, as well as how to contact them. The second way is to talk to your guidance counselor or someone at your school who may know about esports programs. The third way is to attend an esports event and talk to the players and coaches there. They may be able to tell you about schools that offer esports scholarships.

Meet the eligibility requirements

In order to be eligible for an esports scholarship, you must:

Be a high school senior or full-time college student
Meet the academic criteria set by the school
Be a member of an eligible team
Participate in an eligible game
Maintain a good standing with the school and team

If you meet all of the requirements, you can begin the process of applying for an esports scholarship.

Apply for the scholarship

The first step to getting an esports scholarship is to fill out an application. The application will ask for your contact information, academic history, and gaming experience. Once you have submitted the application, you will be contacted by the scholarship committee to set up an interview.


The simple answer is yes, you can get an esports scholarship.

Just like with traditional sports, there are a number of colleges and universities out there that offer esports scholarships to students who excel at playing video games competitively. These scholarships can range from a few thousand dollars per year up to full-tuition, and can be used for a variety of games and platforms.

If you’re interested in pursuing an esports scholarship, the best place to start is by doing your research and reaching out to the schools that you’re interested in attending. While the number of schools offering these scholarships is still relatively small, it’s growing every year as more and more institutions begin to see the value in competitive gaming.

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