Can You Trade Injured Players In The NBA?

Can you trade injured players in the NBA? It’s a question that often comes up, and the answer isn’t always clear. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the rules around trading injured players in the NBA, and whether or not it’s allowed.


You may have seen a recent news story about the New York Knicks trading an injured player, Kristaps Porzingis, to the Dallas Mavericks. This got us wondering, can you trade injured players in the NBA?

The answer is yes, but there are some caveats. According to the NBA collective bargaining agreement, any player who is injured and unable to play for an extended period of time can be traded, as long as he is included in a deal with another player or players.

However, the team that is trading away the injured player must also send cash to the team that is taking on the injury, in order to make the deal equitable. The amount of cash that must be exchanged is determined by a formula set forth in the CBA.

In addition, there are some other restrictions on trading injured players. For example, a team cannot trade an injured player if they are already over the salary cap. And an injured player cannot be traded for another injured player.

So, while it is technically possible to trade an injured player in the NBA, there are some strict rules that must be followed in order for such a deal to be approved.

What is the NBA’s rule on trading injured players?

In the past, the NBA had a rule in place that prevented teams from trading injured players. This rule was put in place to prevent teams from taking advantage of other teams by trading players that were injured and would not be able to play for a significant amount of time.

However, this rule was changed in 2017 and now teams are allowed to trade injured players as long as they adhere to certain guidelines. These guidelines state that the team trading the player must provide full disclosure of the injury to the team they are trade partners with. The team receiving the player must also agree to take on the player’s injury as part of the trade.

so, while it is now possible to trade injured players in the NBA, there are still some restrictions in place that are designed to protect all parties involved in a trade.

What are the exceptions to the rule?

The NBA has a rule that prohibits teams from trading players who are injured and are expected to miss at least four games. The rule is designed to discourage teams from dumping players who are injured and not performing up to expectations. There are a few exceptions to the rule, however, that allow teams to make trades even if one of the players is injured.

One exception is if the team trading the injured player is below the salary cap. In this case, the team can trade the player and receive a disabled player exception from the league. This exception allows the team to sign or trade for another player, even if they are over the salary cap.

Another exception is if the player being traded has already missed four games due to his injury. In this case, the team can still trade the player, but they will have to add another player to the deal in order to make it legal. This is known as a “trade-and-replace” deal.

Finally, there is an exception for players who have been traded before but then re-signed with their original team. These players can be traded without having to meet any of the above conditions.

If you’re thinking about making a trade involving an injured player, be sure to check with your league office to see if any of these exceptions apply.

How has the rule been enforced in the past?

The rule has been inconsistently enforced by the NBA. In some cases, teams have been allowed to trade away players who are injured and will not be able to play for the remainder of the season. Other times, the NBA has stepped in and prevented trades from happening because a player is injured.

The most notable instance of the NBA enforcing the rule was in 2012, when the league prevented a trade between the Los Angeles Lakers and New Orleans Hornets. The trade would have sent Chris Paul to the Lakers, but Paul was injured at the time and would not have been able to play for the remainder of the season. The NBA said that this trade was unfair to other teams because it would have given the Lakers an All-Star point guard while they were already one of the best teams in the league.

There have been other instances where trades involving injured players have been allowed to go through, but it is clear that the NBA can step in and prevent them if they feel like it is necessary. It is likely that any future trades involving injured players will be closely scrutinized by the league before they are approved.

What are the implications of the rule?

In order to ensure that all teams are able to compete fairly, the NBA has a rule in place that prohibits the trading of injured players. This rule is in place because an injured player likely has less value than a healthy player and could give the team receiving the injured player an unfair advantage.

There are some exceptions to this rule. If both teams agree to the trade and the trade is approved by the league, then it can go through. Also, if a player is only injured for a short period of time and is expected to return to play soon, then the trade may be approved.

This rule provides some level of fairness in trades between teams and helps to ensure that all teams have a chance to compete for a championship.


Based on the information above, it appears that you can trade injured players in the NBA, but there are some restrictions. Injured players can be traded, but they must be able to pass a physical with their new team before the trade is official. If an injured player is traded, their new team is assuming all responsibility for their injury and any salary they are owed while they are injured.

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