Can You Wash Tennis Shoes In Washing Machine?

If you’re wondering whether you can wash tennis shoes in the washing machine, the answer is yes! Just follow these simple steps and your shoes will come out clean and looking good as new.

Can You Wash Tennis Shoes In Washing Machine?


Washing your tennis shoes in the washing machine is generally safe for the shoes and the machine. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to avoid damaging your shoes or your machine.

The Risks of Washing Tennis Shoes in the Washing Machine

Most people believe that it is perfectly safe to wash their tennis shoes in the washing machine. However, there are actually a few risks associated with doing this. The first risk is that the shoes can become damaged in the washing machine. The second risk is that the shoes can end up smelling bad after being washed in the machine.

Damage to the Machine

While it is possible to wash tennis shoes in a washing machine, there are some risks involved. One of the biggest risks is damage to the washing machine itself. The agitator in a washing machine can damage the shoes, and the shoes can also become caught on the spinner and cause damage. In addition, the shoes can collect lint and dirt from other items in the wash and can clog the machine’s filters.

Damage to the Shoes

Washing your tennis shoes in the washing machine can cause serious damage to both the shoes and the machine. The harsh detergents and high temperatures can break down the materials in the shoes, causing them to warp and deteriorate. The shoes can also become misshapen, and the soles may separate from the rest of the shoe. Washing machines can also be damaged by having heavy objects, like shoes, banging around inside. The weight of the shoes can cause dents and scratches in the tub, and over time this damage can lead to leaks.

The Best Way to Wash Tennis Shoes

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to how you wash your tennis shoes. You might just toss them in the washing machine with the rest of your laundry and hope for the best. However, there is a better way to wash your tennis shoes.

By Hand

The best way to wash tennis shoes by hand is to fill a sink or large basin with cold water and a small amount of mild detergent. Submerge the shoes and agitate them gently, using your hands to work the cleaner into the fabric. Let them soak for about 15 minutes, then drain the water and rinse the shoes thoroughly with clean, cold water. Gently squeeze out any excess water and stuff each shoe with a clean towel. Let them air dry in a cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight.

In the Washing Machine

Tennis shoes can be washed in the washing machine. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to avoid damaging your shoes. First, use a gentle cycle and cold water. Second, put your shoes in a mesh bag or pillowcase to protect them from getting tangled up with other clothes and getting scuffed in the wash. Third, use a gentle detergent designed for washing delicate items. Finally, let your shoes air dry rather than putting them in the dryer.


It is generally not recommended to wash tennis shoes in the washing machine. This is because the machine can damage the shoes and cause them to lose their shape. Additionally, washing machines can also dull the colors of tennis shoes. If you must wash your tennis shoes in the machine, use a gentle cycle with cold water and be sure to air dry them afterwards.

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