Can You Wash Tennis Shoes With Clothes?

You probably have a lot of laundry questions. Can you wash tennis shoes with clothes? We have the answer, plus tips for getting your sneakers clean.


It’s always a tough decision when it comes to laundry day- do you wash your shoes with your clothes or separately? While washing your shoes with your clothes may be more convenient, it might not always be the best option. Tennis shoes, in particular, can be a delicate item to wash and should be handled with care. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to best wash your tennis shoes with clothes.

The Different Kinds of Tennis Shoes

Clay court shoes have different requirements than shoes for playing on hard courts. Grass court shoes also have different needs than those for playing on hard or clay courts. The type of surface you play on most often will determine what kind of tennis shoe you need to buy.

Can You Wash Tennis Shoes With Clothes?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to the different types of tennis shoes available. After all, aren’t they all just sneakers? The truth is that there are actually quite a few different types of tennis shoes, each designed for a specific purpose. In this article, we’ll take a look at the different types of tennis shoes and how to care for them.

Can You Wash Tennis Shoes With Clothes?
Tennis shoes can be made from a variety of materials, including leather, canvas, synthetic fabrics, and even rubber. Most tennis shoes are relatively easy to care for and can be washed in the washing machine along with your other clothes. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when washing your tennis shoes:

-Remove any loose dirt or debris from the shoes before putting them in the wash. This will help prevent them from scratching your other clothes.
-Wash your tennis shoes on a gentle cycle using cool water and mild detergent. Hot water can damage some of the materials used in tennis shoes.
-If your tennis shoes have removable insoles or orthotics, take them out before washing. These can usually be cleaned separately from the rest of the shoe.
-Let your tennis shoes air dry after washing. Do not put them in the dryer, as this can damage the shoe’s materials.

What About Tennis Shoes With Metal Spikes?

Clothes washers and dryers come with many special features these days. But one thing they don’t have is a built-in shoe rack. So, how do you wash your shoes without ruining them or your clothes?

For most types of shoes, the best way to clean them is to wash them by hand using a mild detergent and warm water. You can also put them in the washing machine on a delicate cycle, but be sure to use a mesh bag to protect them from getting damaged by other items in the load.

However, you should never put tennis shoes with metal spikes in the washing machine. The metal spikes can damage the machine’s inner workings. Instead, clean these shoes with a stiff brush and soapy water. Rinse them thoroughly and allow them to air dry.

How to Wash Tennis Shoes

Tennis shoes can usually be machine-washed with your regular laundry, but there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to clean them properly. First, you should check the care label on your shoes to see if they are machine-washable. If they are, you should put them in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase to protect them in the washing machine. You should also use a mild detergent and cold water setting when washing your shoes.

Washing Tennis Shoes in the Washing Machine

Tennis shoes can be machine-washed using the gentle cycle and cool water. Always air dry tennis shoes to prevent them from shrinking or becoming misshapen. If your shoes are very dirty, you may want to pre-treat them with a stain remover before washing.

Washing Tennis Shoes by Hand

If your shoes are made of a delicate fabric like suede or leather, then you will want to wash them by hand. Start by mixing a small amount of dish soap with warm water in a bowl. Submerge your shoes in the soapy water and use a soft brush to remove any dirt or stains. Rinse your shoes thoroughly with clean water and allow them to air dry.

Drying Tennis Shoes

It is not recommended to wash your tennis shoes with your clothes. While many people believe that this will clean your shoes and clothes in one go, it can actually damage your shoes. Clothes washing machines are not designed to clean shoes and the harsh detergents can damage the material of your shoes.

Drying Tennis Shoes in the Washing Machine

It is possible to machine-dry your tennis shoes, but you should only do so if they are made of primarily natural fibers like cotton or wool. Synthetic materials like polyester and nylon can melt or warp in a clothes dryer, so it’s best to air-dry them instead.

If your shoes are safe to machine-dry, put them in the dryer on the lowest heat setting and put a clean towel in with them. The towel will help absorb moisture and protect your shoes from damage as they dry. Check on your shoes periodically to make sure they aren’t getting too hot; if they are, turn the heat setting down or stop drying them altogether.

Drying Tennis Shoes by Hand

Wet tennis shoes can feel heavy and uncomfortable, and they can take forever to dry if you let them air dry. The quicker you can get them dry, the better. The best way to dry wet tennis shoes is by using a fan.

If you don’t have a fan, you can also try these methods:
-Place your shoes in front of a heater or air conditioner unit.
-Place your shoes outside in the sun.
-Place your shoes near a dehumidifier.


As you can see, there are pros and cons to washing tennis shoes with clothes. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and what you feel comfortable with. If you do choose to wash them together, be sure to use a gentle cycle and protect your shoes with a mesh bag.

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