What Are the Paralympic Sports?

What Are the Paralympic Sports?

Similarly, What are 5 sports in the Paralympics? SPORTS FOR PARALYMPICS The IPC now recognizes 28 paralympic sports: 22 summer and six winter. Archery.Badminton. Boccia. Canoe. Cycling. Equestrian. 5-a-side football is a sport in which five players compete against each other. Goalball. Also, it is asked, What are the 6 disability groups in Paralympics? Amputee,…

What Does Vb Mean in Sports?

What Does Vb Mean in Sports?

Similarly, What does VB mean? Visual Basic (VB) is a Microsoft event-driven programming language and environment with a graphical user interface (GUI) that lets programmers change code by dragging and dropping objects and specifying their behavior and appearance. Also, it is asked, What does VB mean sport? Volleyball, a team sport, is often referred to…