Cool Basketball Tricks Any Player Can Do

Check out these 10 cool Basketball Tricks that any player can do to improve their game! From dribbling to shooting, these tips will help you take your game to the next level.


Basketball is a popular sport that people of all ages can enjoy. While most people think of basketball as a team sport there are also many individual skills that players can work on to improve their game.

One way to make practicing individual skills more fun is to try out some cool basketball tricks. Tricks can range from simple moves that any player can do, to more complex ones that take time and practice to master.

In this article, we’ll share some Cool Basketball tricks that any player can do. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been playing for years, these tricks will help take your game to the next level!

Why learn cool basketball tricks?

Basketball is a thrilling sport that requires skill, athleticism, and dedication. While you may not be able to dunk like Michael Jordan or shoot three-pointers like Steph Curry you can still impress your friends and teammates with some sweet moves on the court.

Not only are cool basketball tricks fun to do, they can also give you an edge on the competition. Performing a flashy move during a game can distract your opponents and give you an opportunity to score some easy points. And if you’re looking to show off your skills for YouTube fame or Instagram likes, well, then cool basketball tricks are also a great way to do that!

So whether you’re looking to up your game or just have some fun, here are some cool basketball tricks that any player can do.

What cool basketball tricks can you learn?

Basketball is a really fun sport to play and it’s even more fun when you can show off your skills with some cool tricks. Whether you’re trying to impress your friends or just make the game more enjoyable, learning a few basketball tricks is a great way to do it.

Here are some cool basketball tricks that any player can learn:

· The between the legs dribble – This dribble is really impressive looking, and it’s not as difficult as it looks. All you have to do is bounce the ball off the ground between your legs, and then catch it on the other side. You can practice this move by yourself or with a friend.

· The between the legs pass – This is another impressive looking move that isn’t as hard as it seems. To do it, simply bounce the ball off the ground between your legs, and then pass it to a teammate on the other side. Just be sure that your teammate is ready for the pass!

· The no-look pass – This move is all about deception. To do it, simply pretend like you’re going to pass the ball to one player, but then quickly pass it to another player who wasn’t expecting it. This trick works best when there are multiple defenders around, because they won’t know who you’re passing to until it’s too late.

· The crossover dribble – This is a great move for getting past defenders. To do it, simply dribble the ball from one hand to the other in front of your body. Then, quickly change directions and go the other way. This move can be used to get past one defender or multiple defenders depending on how you do it.

· The behind the back dribble – This dribble looks really cool, and it can be used to get past defenders too. To do it, simply dribble the ball behind your back with one hand, and then bring it back around in front of your body with the other hand. Just be sure that you don’t lose control of the ball!

How to do a between the legs dribble

Learning how to do a between the legs dribble is a great way to add another dimension to your game. This move is deceptive and can help you create space between you and your defender. Here’s how to do it:

-Start in a stationary position with the ball in your right hand.
-Extend your right leg out to the side and bring your left leg towards the center of your body.
-Swing the ball around your left leg, making sure to keep it low to the ground. As you do this, transfer the ball from your right hand to your left.
-As the ball comes around your left leg, reach out with your right hand and grab it. This should all happen in one smooth motion. Once you have control of the ball again, bring your left leg back to its original position and continue dribbling normally.

How to do a between the legs pass

Here is a basketball trick that looks very cool and is not too difficult to do. This move is called a between the legs pass.

To do this trick, you will need a friend or family member to help you out. Have them stand in front of you, about arm’s length away.

Get in a low stance and bounce the ball off the ground and between your legs. As the ball comes through your legs, have your helper pass the ball back to you.

As you catch the ball, snap your wrists and follow through with your arms to complete the pass.

How to do a behind the back dribble

In basketball, the behind the back dribble is a move in which the dribbler dribbles the ball behind their back, switching hands in order to confuse or elude their defender. In order to do a behind the back dribble, the player must be able to not only control the ball but also have a good sense of where their defender is.

There are a few different ways to execute a behind the back dribble, but they all start in the same way. The first step is to get in a low stance, with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your knees bent. From here, you’ll want to bring the ball around your waist to your right hand if you’re going behind your back to your left (or vice versa). As you’re doing this, make sure to keep your eyes up and look for an open teammate or an opportunity to score.

Once you have the ball in your right hand (behind your back), quickly extend your arm and snap your wrists to send the ball through your legs to your left hand. As soon as you catch the ball in your left hand, begin accelerating towards the basket. If done correctly, this move will leave your defender behind and give you an open lane to the basket.

How to do a behind the back pass

Assuming you are right handed, start with the ball in your right hand. Extend your left arm out to the side, and bring the ball behind your back, keeping it close to your body. As you do this, twist your torso so that your shoulders and hips are squared off to the front, and tuck your chin down so you are looking at the floor. Bring the ball around to your left hip, and then quickly snap your wrists to flick the ball out in front of you to your left hand. As you do this, snap your torso and hips back around so that you are facing the direction you want to pass the ball in.

How to do a no-look pass

No-look passes are flashy, fun, and can help you get open looks for your teammates, but they can also be tough to master. Here are a few tips to help you pull off the perfect no-look pass.

The first thing you need to do is get a feel for the ball. This might sound obvious, but it’s important to have a good grip on the ball and to be able to control it with both hands. Once you’ve got a good grip practice passing the ball without looking at your target. This will help you get a feel for where your teammates are without having to take your eyes off the court.

When you’re ready to try a no-look pass, start by faking a look in one direction. This will help sell the pass and make it more difficult for defenders to anticipate where you’re going to throw it. Then, quickly turn your head in the opposite direction and make the pass. It’s important to release the ball as soon as you turn your head so that your defenders don’t have time to react.

Practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t nail it the first time (or even the 50th time). With enough practice, you’ll be dishing out no-look passes like a pro in no time!

How to do a wraparound pass

There are a lot of different basketball tricks that players can do to impress their friends and teammates. One cool move is the wraparound pass. To do this trick, you will need two players. Player 1 will start by holding the ball in front of them with both hands. Player 2 will come up from behind and wrap their arms around player 1’s waist. Then, player 1 will quickly pass the ball behind them to player 2. Player 2 will catch the ball and then take off running down the court!

How to do a between the legs shot

Basketball is a fun game that anyone can play. There are many different ways to score, and each player has their own unique style. Cool basketball tricks can make the game even more enjoyable, and they can also give you an edge on the competition.

One cool basketball trick is the between the legs shot. This shot is done by dribbling the ball between your legs, then quickly shooting it before the defenders have a chance to react. To do this shot, start by dribbling the ball between your legs. As you bring it up, flick your wrists so that the ball spins in the air. Then, quickly shoot the ball before the defenders have a chance to react.

This shot is not easy to make, but it is definitely possible with practice. If you are having trouble making this shot, try practicing in slow motion first. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to make this shot in game situations with ease.

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