David Douglas Basketball Camp – What to Expect

David Douglas Basketball Camp is one of the most popular basketball camps in the country. Here’s what you can expect if you sign up for this camp.


David Douglas Basketball Camp is a Nike sponsored camp open to all kids in thePortland, Oregon area. The camp runs for two weeks in July and consists of morning and afternoon sessions.

During the morning session, campers will participate in a series of skill-development drills designed to improve their shooting, ball-handling, and rebounding. In the afternoon, they will scrimmages against other teams in their age group.

Each day will end with a special guest speaker, who will talk to the campers about the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them.

At the end of the camp, each camper will receive a certificate of participation, as well as a free basketball and t-shirt.

What to expect at David Douglas Basketball Camp

David Douglas Basketball Camp is a high-intensitycamp that focuses on teaching the fundamentals of basketball. The camp is for Boys and Girls ages 7-17, and runs for two weeks in July. The camp is held at David Douglas High School in Portland, Oregon.

At camp, you can expect to:
– Improve your basketball skills
– Learn from experienced coaches
– Play games against other campers
– Make new friends

The benefits of attending David Douglas Basketball Camp

David Douglas basketball camp is a great way for your child to improve their basketball skills not only will they have the opportunity to learn from some of the best coaches in the area, but they’ll also get to meet and compete against other players of similar skill levels. Here are just a few of the benefits that your child can expect to receive by attending David Douglas basketball camp

-Improved basketball skills One of the key benefits of attending David Douglas Basketball Camp is that your child will have the opportunity to improve their Basketball Skills They’ll learn proper technique for shooting, dribbling, and rebounding, and they’ll get plenty of practice time to solidify these new skills.

-Fun competition. At David Douglas basketball camp your child will have the chance to compete against other players in friendly games and scrimmages. This competitive environment will not only be fun for your child, but it will also help them take their game to the next level.

-Make new friends. Another great benefit of David Douglas Basketball Camp is that your child will make new friends with other campers who share their love of basketball. These friendships can last long after camp is over and provide your child with a support system as they continue to develop their game.

The curriculum of David Douglas Basketball Camp

At David Douglas Basketball Camp we focus on the whole player, not just improving shooting or ball-handling skills. Our goal is to help every camper become a complete player who understands all aspects of the game.

We believe that basketball is a great game that teaches important LIFE LESSONS such as teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship. Our camp curriculum is designed to help campers learn these valuable lessons while also improving their Basketball Skills

Each day at camp, we will focus on a different skill or concept. We will start each day with a brief warm-up and then move into stations where campers will work on specific skills. After stations, we will have a short break before starting our daily scrimmage. This will give campers the opportunity to use the skills they have been working on in a game situation.

At the end of each day, we will have a short debriefing to talk about what we learned and what we need to work on for the next day. We want every camper to leave camp feeling like they have improved their game and had a lot of fun!

The staff of David Douglas Basketball Camp

The David Douglas basketball camp staff is composed of current and former college and high school basketball players and coaches. Our goal is to provide a positive, fun and enriching experience for all campers. We focus on skill development, sportsmanship and teamwork. Campers will have the opportunity to improve their basketball skills meet new friends and have a ton of fun!

The facilities of David Douglas Basketball Camp

The facilities available to campers at David Douglas Basketball Camp are both top-notch and state of the art. From the moment you step on campus, you’ll feel like a professional basketball player The camp has two full-size basketball courts locker rooms a weight room, a training room, and a lounge area.

The cost of David Douglas Basketball Camp

David Douglas Basketball Camp is an excellent way to improve your skills and learn new ones. The cost of the camp is $450, which includes a $50 non-refundable deposit. The camp runs from July 29th-August 2nd.

The location of David Douglas Basketball Camp

David Douglas basketball camp is located at David Douglas high school in Portland, Oregon. It is open to any and all boys and girls in grades 3-12.

David Douglas Basketball Camp testimonials

David Douglas basketball camp is one of the most popular basketball camps in the country. Every year, thousands of kids make their way to Portland, Oregon to improve their game.

The camp features some of the best coaches in the country, and it offers a wide range of activities for campers of all ages. If you’re thinking about sending your child to David Douglas Basketball Camp here’s what you can expect:

Your child will improve their basketball skills The camp features top-notch coaches who will work with your child on their shooting, dribbling, and passing. They’ll also learn offensive and defensive concepts that will help them on the court.

Your child will make new friends. David Douglas basketball camp is a Great Place for kids to meet other people who share their love for basketball. Campers come from all over the country, and they’ll quickly bond over their shared passion for the game.

Your child will have a lot of fun. In addition to basketball, campers can enjoy a variety of other activities, including swimming, hiking, and zip-lining. There’s also plenty of time for fun at night, with movie nights and talent shows.

Why choose David Douglas Basketball Camp?

David Douglas Basketball Camp is a Great Choice for your child’s Basketball Development Here are a few reasons why:
-Our highly experienced and knowledgeable staff will help your child improve their skills and understanding of the game.
-We emphasize the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork, two essential values in basketball and in life.
-We offer a positive and fun environment where your child can grow and learn.
-We have a track record of success, with many of our campers going on to play in high school and college.

If you are looking for a basketball camp that will help your child develop as a player and as a person, David Douglas Basketball Camp is the right choice.

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