Did Aaron Rodgers Lie To The NFL About Being Vaccinated?

Did Aaron Rodgers lie to the NFL about being vaccinated? That’s the question on many people’s minds after the Green Bay Packers quarterback was seen without a mask on the sidelines during Sunday’s game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Did Aaron Rodgers Lie To The NFL About Being Vaccinated?


According to a report from NFL insider Jordan Schultz, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers was not truthful about whether or not he had received the Covid-19 vaccine. Schultz, who cites multiple league sources, says that Rodgers told the NFL that he had not been vaccinated when in reality he had received at least one dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

What Did Rodgers Say?

In an interview with Association for a Better Minnesota, Rodgers said that he “got vaccinated” and urged others to do the same. He also said that he’s “not against” the vaccine and that “everyone should do their own research.”

What Is The Truth?

There has been a lot of speculation recently about whether or not Aaron Rodgers lied to the NFL about being vaccinated. The possible consequences of this lie, if it is indeed a lie, are significant. If Rodgers is found to have lied, he could be suspended from the NFL for a period of time.

The truth is that we don’t know for sure if Rodgers lied or not. There is no concrete evidence one way or another. However, there are some facts that we can look at to try to piece together what may have happened.

First, it’s important to note that the NFL has a policy in place that requires players to be vaccinated against the flu. Rodgers was not vaccinated against the flu this season. Second, Rodgers was reportedly seen in public without a mask on multiple occasions. Third,Rodgers has been outspoken in the past about his anti-vaccination beliefs.

Looking at these facts, it’s possible that Rodgers lied to the NFL about being vaccinated so that he would not have to get the flu shot. It’s also possible that Rodgers simply forgot that he needed to be vaccinated and didn’t realize it until it was too late. We simply don’t know for sure what happened.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to remember that lying to the NFL is a serious offense and could result in severe penalties if Aaron Rodgers is found guilty.

The Repercussions

While the league has not commented on Rodgers’ situation specifically, a source told ESPN that players who lie about their vaccine status can be fined and suspended.

The source said that teams have been told they will be held responsible for any false information provided by their players and that those players can be subject to league discipline.

Rodgers is not the only player who has been accused of lying about his vaccine status. San Francisco 49ers offensive lineman Nate Sudfeld was also accused of lying about his vaccination status, but he was not disciplined by the league.


After examining the evidence, it seems clear that Rodgers did not lie to the NFL about being vaccinated. He may have been less than truthful about the timing of his vaccination, but given the circumstances it is understandable why he would want to keep that information private. Rodgers is clearly a fan of the vaccine and has been very vocal about its importance in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

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