Did Any NFL Players Kneel Today?

Check out our blog post to find out if any NFL players knelt during the National Anthem today.


The act of kneeling during the national anthem has been a point of controversy in the United States for several years now. The practice began as a way to protest police brutality and racial inequality, but it has since become a symbol of disrespect for many people.

Today, there are still a handful of NFL players who choose to kneel during the anthem as a form of protest. However, the number of players doing so has decreased significantly since 2016, when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick first sat, and then knelt, during the anthem to protest police brutality against black Americans.

As of week six of the 2020 NFL season, there have been no reports of any players kneeling during the national anthem. This is in stark contrast to 2016, when dozens of players were taking a knee every week.

The decrease inplayers kneeling can likely be attributed to a number of factors. For one, Colin Kaepernick is no longer in the NFL, and he was arguably the most prominent figurehead of the movement. In addition, many fans have made it clear that they do not support player protests during the anthem, and some have even vowed to boycott the NFL entirely if players continue to kneel.

It’s possible that we may see more players start to kneel again in future weeks as the country grapple with a number of social issues, including racial injustice and police brutality. However, as things stand now, it appears that fewer players are choosing to take a knee during the national anthem than in years past.

What happened today?

It was a quiet day in the NFL, with no players taking a knee during the national anthem. This comes after several weeks of protests by players, who are kneel to raise awareness of social injustice and racial inequality. The protests began last year with then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, and have continued even after he left the team.

While there were no protests today, some players did raise their fists during the anthem, including Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins and Dolphins wide receiver Kenny Stills. Players from the Seahawks and 49ers also linked arms in a show of unity. It is unclear if there will be any more protests this season, but with the season already underway, it seems unlikely that they will stop anytime soon.

How did the players react?

Players from around the NFL took a knee today during the National Anthem to protest against social injustice and police brutality. Some players, like Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett, have been doing this all season long. Others, like San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid, had stopped kneeling but chose to start again today.

Reid said he wanted to kneel in solidarity with other players who have been “systematically oppressed” by the country. “I can no longer ask my grandmother how she’s holding up,” he said. “I can’t look in the mirror and see people who look like me dying on an everyday basis.”

The demonstrations come after a week of unrest in the NFL following President Donald Trump’s criticisms of players who choose to kneel during the anthem. Trump has called for players who kneel to be fired, and on Sunday morning he suggested that fans should boycott games if players don’t stand for the anthem.

What was the reaction from the NFL?

Players from several teams, including the Seattle Seahawks, Jacksonville Jaguars and Miami Dolphins, took a knee during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” on Sunday. Other players linked arms with teammates or held their fists in the air as a show of solidarity.

The protests came after President Donald Trump said at a rally in Alabama on Friday that NFL owners should fire players who kneel during the anthem.

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He’s fired,” Trump said to applause.

Many NFL players responded to Trump’s remarks on social media over the weekend, with some calling the president a “clown” and others saying he was dividing the country.


In conclusion, it is safe to say that no NFL players kneeled during the National Anthem today. This is likely due to the recent increase in public pressure against the practice, as well as the fact that many players have been released or traded by their teams for kneeling in the past. While it is impossible to say for certain why no players kneeled today, it is clear that the issue of player protests during the National Anthem remains a controversial and polarizing topic in the NFL.

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