Did NFL Players Kneel Today in 2021?

Did NFL players kneel during the national anthem today in 2021? We take a look at the latest news and updates to find out.


In the NFL, players have been kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality since 2016, when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick first did so. The protests continued in 2017, but they took on new meaning after President Donald Trump said at a rally that NFL owners should fire players who kneel during the anthem.

Since then, the protests have been a regular and controversial part of NFL games, with some players and fans arguing that they are disrespectful to the flag and military, and others arguing that they are a powerful symbol of social justice.

In 2021, the issue has come to the forefront again after several high-profile incidents of police brutality against Black Americans. In response, some NFL players have indicated that they intend to kneel during the anthem again this season.

What Happened?

In 2021, a number of NFL players chose to kneel during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality. This act of peaceful protest sparked a national conversation about race and prompted other athletes to speak out against racism. The kneeling movement also inspired people of all ages and backgrounds to stand up for what they believe in and fight for change.

How Did Players React?

Players from various NFL teams took a knee today during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality in America. The gesture was a powerful symbol of unity and came just days after the Derek Chauvin trial began in Minneapolis.

Many players have been outspoken about their intentions to kneel this season, including Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes, who said last month that he would “definitely” take a knee during the anthem. Other high-profile players, like Odell Beckham Jr. and Russell Wilson, have also said they will participate in the protests.

It’s still unclear how many players will ultimately choose to kneel during the season, but today’s demonstrations suggest that the kneeling protest movement is far from over.

What’s the Backlash?

Since the protests began, there has been a significant backlash from those who see the anthem and flag as symbols of America’s always-perfect past. In 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump said players who knelt during the anthem should be “fired,” and many fans have since taken to booing and cheering anytime players take a knee.

What’s Next?

Now that you know what happened with the NFL players kneeling today in 2021, you might be wondering what’s next.

Here’s a look at some of the things that could happen in the wake of this decision:

-The NFL could institute a rule change requiring all players to stand during the national anthem. This would be a controversial move, and it’s unclear if it would even be legal.
-Players could continue to kneel, despite the new rule. This could lead to more punishment from the NFL, including suspensions or even expulsion from the league.
-Players could choose to not participate in the national anthem altogether. This would be a peaceful way to protest, but it would also be a very visible way to do so.
-The issue could simply fade away over time, especially if more players choose to stand for the anthem.

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