Did the NBA Season Start?

The NBA season is about to start! Get pumped for the return of basketball with this guide to the key dates, teams, and players to watch this season.

Did the NBA Season Start?


The 2019-2020 NBA season was supposed to start on October 22nd, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the season was postponed. As of right now, it is unclear when or if the season will start.

What Happened?

The 2020 NBA season was supposed to begin on October 22nd. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the season has been postponed indefinitely.

Why Did It Happen?

The NBA season was supposed to start on October 22nd, but it was pushed back due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main reason for the delay was because the NBA wanted to minimize the chances of players contracting the virus.

There were several other reasons for the delay as well. For one, several players tested positive for COVID-19, which caused a bit of a scare. In addition, many players were not happy with the league’s health and safety protocols, and they threatened to sit out the season if they did not feel comfortable playing.

Fortunately, after much negotiation and discussion, the NBA was able to come up with a plan that satisfied both the players and the league’s safety concerns. As a result, the season is now set to start on December 22nd.

What’s Next?

Now that the 2017-18 NBA season is over, fans are wondering what’s next. The answer, unfortunately, is not much. The season technically ended on June 10th with the Golden State Warriors winning their third title in four years. However, there will be no more regular season games or playoffs. So, for the next few months, fans will have to content themselves with highlights from this past season and speculate about what will happen next year.

The good news is that there are plenty of rumors and conjecture to fill the time. One of the biggest questions is whether LeBron James will stay with the Cleveland Cavaliers or leave in free agency. Other questions include where Kawhi Leonard will end up and whether the Warriors can repeat as champions. Of course, these are just a few of the many storylines that will be debated by fans in the months to come.

So, while there’s no basketball to watch right now, there’s still plenty to discuss. And with any luck, next season will start on time and be just as exciting as this one was.

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