Did The NFL Add A Game?

The answer to this question is no, the NFL has not added a game. The regular season is still 16 games.

Did The NFL Add A Game?

The NFL’s regular season has always been 16 games

Despite reports that the NFL may be adding a 17th game to the regular season, the league has not made any official announcements regarding any changes to the length of the season. The NFL’s regular season has always been 16 games, so any reports of an additional game are pure speculation at this point.

If the NFL does decide to add an additional game to the regular season, it would likely be done in order to increase revenue. However, it is also possible that the league could use an extra game as a way to generate more interest in its product. For example, the NFL could decided to add a 17th game that would be played on a Thursday night in order to create more “must-see” television.

At this point, it is impossible to say for sure if the NFL will add an additional game to the regular season. However, if such a change is made, it would likely have a major impact on both the players and the fans.

The NFL has considered adding a 17th game

The NFL has considered adding a 17th game to the regular season schedule, but it has not been finalized. The proposal would have each team play one additional game against a team from the opposite conference. The NFL has not announced when or if this proposal will be finalized.

The NFL has not yet decided if it will add a 17th game

The NFL has not yet decided if it will add a 17th game to the regular season, as part of the new collective bargaining agreement. The proposal is still being negotiated between the NFL and the NFLPA. If approved, the 17th game would be added to the regular season in 2021.

The NFL has not yet announced when it will make a decision on whether or not to add a 17th game

The NFL has not yet announced when it will make a decision on whether or not to add a 17th game to the regular season, but the league’s Competition Committee is scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss the matter, according to a person familiar with the deliberations.

The committee, which is made up of NFL owners and representatives from each team, will reportedly discuss several scheduling scenarios for a 17-game season. One option would be to add one more game to the current 16-game schedule, while another would be to reduce the preseason by one game and add a 17th regular-season contest.

If the committee decides to recommend a 17-game schedule to the full membership of the NFL, a vote could take place as soon as next week. The league’s owners are currently scheduled to meet virtually on May 19.

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