Did the NFL Season Start?

The National Football League season began on Thursday, September 10th.


The National Football League (NFL) regular season began on Thursday, September 10, 2020, with the Kansas City Chiefs hosted the Houston Texans.

What Happened?

It was a long, drawn out process, but the NFL and the NFLPA finally came to an agreement on July 25th, ending the 4-month long lockout. Players voted on the new CBA that same day and it was ratified by a margin of 789 to 1, with Miami Dolphins guard Richie Incognito being the only player to vote against it.

With the lockout behind them, teams could now turn their focus to free agency and preparing for the upcoming season. camps opened on schedule and the first preseason game was played on August 7th. So yes, in answer to your question, the NFL season did start on time.

How did we get here?

It’s been a long and winding road to the 2020 NFL season. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the entire world, and the NFL has been no exception.

The season was originally supposed to start on Thursday, September 10th, but that was before the pandemic hit. The league scrambled to come up with a new plan, and eventually settled on a start date of Sunday, September 13th.

But even that date was not set in stone. Just two weeks ago, the league was still considering pushing the start of the season back to October due to the ongoing pandemic.

But in the end, they decided to stick with their original plan and start on September 13th. So here we are: the 2020 NFL season is finally upon us.

What does this mean for the future?

The answer to this question is complicated. The short answer is that the NFL season did start, but it is currently on pause. This is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused a number of changes to the way the season is being played.

The first change is that the season was shortened from 16 games to 14 games. This was done in order to give players more time to rest and recover between games. The second change is that the playoffs were expanded from 12 teams to 14 teams. This was done in order to give more teams a chance to compete for the championship.

The third and most significant change is that the Super Bowl will be played in February 2021 instead of January 2021. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a number of delays and postponements throughout the season. The fourth and final change is that there will be no Pro Bowl this year.

So, while the NFL season did start, it is currently on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The good news is that the season is expected to resume in January 2021, with the Super Bowl being played in February 2021.


No, the NFL season did not start.

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