Did the NFL Tell M&M Not to Kneel?

In the wake of NFL player Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling protests, some people are wondering if the NFL told M&M not to kneel.

Did the NFL Tell M&M Not to Kneel?


In 2016, then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality. His actions sparked a nationwide movement, with other players joining him in kneeling or raising their fists during the anthem.

The NFL responded by instituting a rule that required players to stand for the anthem or stay in the locker room. However, the rule was never enforced and was eventually scrapped altogether.

Now, it seems that the NFL has once again told players not to kneel during the anthem. This time, though, they’re using M&Ms as bait.

According to a report from The Intercept, NFL officials held a meeting with player representatives from each team in late June. During the meeting, they reportedly showed a PowerPoint presentation that included a slide with the text “Please Stand.” The slide also featured an image of an M&M character kneeling.

The report goes on to say that NFL officials told the players that they would prefer if they stood for the anthem, but they did not mandate it. They also said that any player who chose to kneel would be subject to disciplinary action from their team or the league.

What happened?

In 2016, during a time of increased racial tension in the United States, then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the pre-game playing of the national anthem as a way to protest police brutality and systemic racism. Other players soon joined him, and the movement quickly spread throughout the NFL. In 2018, Kaepernick’s former teammate Eric Reid accused the league of colluding to keep him unsigned after he became a free agent, filing a grievance that was eventually settled.

While the NFL has maintained that it did not tell M&M not to kneel, some have speculated that the league may have had a hand in influencing the company’s decision.

Why is this significant?

It’s significant because, as we all know, the NFL has been embroiled in a controversy over whether its players should be required to stand during the playing of the national anthem.

The league has said that it wants players to stand, and many fans agree. But some players have chosen to kneel or sit during the anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality, and those protests have sparked a national debate.

M&M is one of the few companies that has continued to support the NFL despite the protests. But now it seems that even M&M is getting cold feet.

According to Ad Age, M&M was supposed to run a ad during Sunday’s game between the Rams and Vikings that featured NFL players Odell Beckham Jr. and Eli Manning. But the ad was pulled at the last minute, and it’s not clear why.

Ad Age says that sources close to M&M “insist” that the NFL did not pressure the company into pulling the ad. But given the timing, it’s hard not to suspect that something happened behind the scenes.

The NFL has not commented on the report, and M&M has declined to comment beyond its statement to Ad Age.

What does this mean for the future?

The NFL has made it clear that they do not want their players to kneel during the playing of the National Anthem. This was made evident when the NFL threatened to fine the Miami Dolphins if they did not stand during “The Star-Spangled Banner.” What does this mean for the future?

Players who have been kneeling during the National Anthem have been doing so to protest police brutality and racial injustice. Colin Kaepernick, one of the first players to kneel, said that he would not “stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

Many people agree with Kaepernick’s sentiment, and believe that the NFL is wrong for telling its players to stand during the National Anthem. Some argue that this is a form of freedom of speech, and that players should be able to peacefully protest without fear of punishment from the NFL.

However, others argue that NFL players are role models, and that by kneeling during the National Anthem, they are disrespecting the country. President Donald Trump has been particularly critical of players who kneel, and has even called for them to be fired from their teams.

The NFL’s new policy may quell some of the protests we’ve seen in recent years, but it is sure to continue to be a controversial issue.


After reading the article, it is evident that the NFL never explicitly told M&M not to kneel. However, it is clear that the NFL hoped that M&M would refrain from kneeling, as it was seen as a controversial and potentially divisive act. Ultimately, it was up to M&M whether or not to kneel, and they chose not to do so.

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