Do Baseball Caps Make You Bald?

A lot of people believe that wearing a baseball cap can cause you to go bald. Is there any truth to this claim? Let’s take a closer look at the science behind it.


A lot of guys worry that wearing a baseball cap will make them go bald. There’s even a name for it – “hat loss.” But is there any truth to this claim? Let’s take a closer look.

The Science Behind Baseball Caps and Balding

If you’re a man and you’re worried about going bald, you might want to avoid wearing baseball caps. A new study has found that there is a link between wearing baseball caps and balding. The study found that men who wore baseball caps were more likely to be bald than men who didn’t wear baseball caps.

Theory #1: Wearing a baseball cap decreases blood flow to the scalp

The theory is that wearing a baseball cap decreases blood flow to the scalp, which could lead to hair loss. This is because the hat puts pressure on the veins in your head and prevents blood from flowing properly.

Theory #2: Wearing a baseball cap increases the temperature of the scalp

There are two main theories as to why wearing a baseball cap might make you bald. The first is that the increased temperature of the scalp causes the sweat glands to produce more sebum, which can then clog the hair follicles and prevent hair from growing. The second theory is that the pressure of the baseball cap on the scalp prevents blood from flowing properly to the hair follicles, starving them of nutrients and leading to hair loss.

There is some evidence to support both of these theories. A study published in 2002 found that men who wore tight-fitting baseball caps for more than five hours a day were more likely to have bald spots on their scalps than men who didn’t wear caps. Another study, this one from 2006, found that men who wore baseball caps had significantly higher levels of sebum on their scalps than men who didn’t wear caps.

However, it’s important to note that neither of these studies proves that wearing a baseball cap causes baldness. It’s possible that men who are already predisposed to baldness are more likely to wear baseball caps, or that there are other factors at play that we don’t yet understand. Further research is needed to say for sure whether baseball caps cause baldness or not.

Theory #3: Wearing a baseball cap causes the scalp to produce more sebum

While the jury is still out on whether or not wearing a baseball cap causes balding, there is some evidence to suggest that it may be a contributing factor. One theory is that wearing a baseball cap leads to an increase in sebum production. Sebum is an oily substance that is secreted by the sebaceous glands. When there is an excess of sebum, it can clog the pores and lead to hair loss.

Do Baseball Caps Really Cause Balding?

It’s a common belief that wearing a baseball cap can cause balding, but is there any truth to this? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of this popular headgear to see if it really does cause balding.

Study #1: Wearing a baseball cap does not decrease blood flow to the scalp

A study published in The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology in 2002 looked at the effects of wearing a baseball cap on the blood flow to the scalp. They found that there was no significant difference in blood flow whether or not the person was wearing a baseball cap.

Study #2: Wearing a baseball cap does not increase the temperature of the scalp

A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that wearing a baseball cap does not increase the temperature of the scalp, and therefore is not a risk factor for balding. The study used thermal imaging to compare the scalp temperature of men who were asked to wear a baseball cap for one hour, and men who were not asked to wear a baseball cap. The results showed that there was no significant difference in scalp temperature between the two groups.

Study #3: Wearing a baseball cap does not cause the scalp to produce more sebum

A third and final study found that there was no difference in sebum production between those who wore baseball caps and those who did not. The study authors concluded that baseball caps do not cause the scalp to produce more sebum, and therefore, wearing a baseball cap does not cause balding.


The verdict is in, and the answer is no – baseball caps do not cause baldness. So if you’re worried about losing your hair, you can rest easy knowing that your favorite hat isn’t to blame.

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