Do Baseball Players Wear Mouthguards?

Do baseball players wear mouthguards? The answer may surprise you. Read on to learn more about this important safety measure.


Wearing a mouthguard while playing baseball is a personal decision for each player. There are pros and cons to wearing a mouthguard, and each player has to weigh those factors to decide if it’s right for them.

Mouthguards can help protect your teeth from damage if you are hit in the mouth with a ball or bat, or if you suffer a fall while running the bases. They can also help cushion the blow to your jaw if you are hit in the face, which can help reduce the risk of concussion.

On the other hand, mouthguards can be uncomfortable to wear and may make it difficult to talk or breathe while you are wearing them. They can also interfere with your ability to properly grip a bat or catch a ball.

Ultimately, whether or not to wear a mouthguard while playing baseball is up to each individual player.

The History of Mouthguards in Baseball

Mouthguards have been worn in baseball for over 100 years, with the first documented case being in 1896. Players have been wearing them mainly to protect their teeth from being broken or knocked out by a fastball, but they also offer some protection against concussions.

Mouthguards became mandatory in the minor leagues in 2006, and while they are not required in the majors, many players do choose to wear them. Some of the most famous players who have worn mouthguards include Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, and Derek Jeter.

There are a few different types of mouthguards that baseball players can choose from, including ones that cover the entire teeth (full coverage) or just the front teeth (partial coverage). Some players even choose to wear clear mouthguards so that they don’t affect their appearance.

No matter what type of mouthguard you choose, be sure to get one that fits properly so that it doesn’t interfere with your breathing or obstruct your vision. And always make sure to clean your mouthguard after each use!

Why Baseball Players Wear Mouthguards

Most people know that football and hockey players wear mouthguards, but did you know that baseball players also often wear them? While there is no rule mandating that players wear mouthguards, many players feel that they provide valuable protection. Here are a few reasons why baseball players may choose to wear mouthguards:

To protect the teeth: A hard-hit baseball can easily break a tooth, and a mouthguard can help to protect the teeth from impact.

To reduce the risk of concussions: A mouthguard can help to absorb some of the shock of a collision and reduce the risk of a concussion.

To prevent jaw injuries: A mouthguard can help to cushion the jaw and prevent it from being injured in a collision.

Mouthguards come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, so finding one that is comfortable to wear is important. Some players even choose to have their mouthguards custom-made to ensure a perfect fit.

How Mouthguards Protect Baseball Players

Mouthguards are an important piece of safety equipment for baseball players. They help protect the teeth and gums from injury, and they can also help reduce the severity of a blow to the face or head.

There are two main types of mouthguards:
-Stock mouthguards are pre-formed and can be bought at most sporting goods stores. They are usually made from latex or silicone, and they can be trimmed to fit.
-Boil-and-bite mouthguards are made from a thermoplastic material that becomes pliable when heated in water. The mouthguard is then placed in the mouth and allowed to cool, so it takes on the shape of the teeth and gums. These mouthguards can also be trimmed if necessary.

Mouthguards should be comfortable to wear and should not restrict breathing or speech. They should also stay in place when the player is speaking or chewing. If a mouthguard is too loose, it will not provide adequate protection; if it is too tight, it will be uncomfortable to wear and may restrict breathing.

Baseball players of all ages should wear mouthguards when playing the game. Stock or boil-and-bite mouthguards are generally inexpensive, and they provide good protection for the teeth and gums.

The Different Types of Mouthguards

There are three main types of mouthguards:
– Stock mouthguards. These mouthguards come preformed and ready to wear. They’re the least expensive type of mouthguard, but they’re also the least comfortable and don’t offer the best fit.
– Boil-and-bite mouthguards. These mouthguards come in a general size that you mold to fit your teeth by submerging in hot water and then biting into the softened material. Boil-and-bite mouthguards offer a better fit than stock mouthguards, but they may be less comfortable and may not stay in place as well as custom-fit mouthguards.
– Custom-fit mouthguards. These mouthguards are made from an impression of your teeth and gums, so they fit your smile exactly. Custom-fit mouthguards tend to be more expensive than boil-and-bite or stock models, but they offer the best comfort, fit and protection.

How to Choose the Right Mouthguard

Mouthguards are an important part of many contact sports, including baseball. They help protect the teeth and gums from injuries caused by impact with a ball, bat, elbow, or another player. baseball players of all ages and levels of play should wear mouthguards when playing.

There are three main types of mouthguards:

Stock mouthguards: These are pre-formed and ready to wear. They are the least expensive type of mouthguard, but they are also the least comfortable and offer the least protection.

Boil-and-bite mouthguards: These mouthguards are made from thermoplastic material that becomes pliable when heated in water. They can be molded to fit the teeth and gums for a more comfortable and customized fit.

Custom-made mouthguards: A dental professional takes an impression of the teeth and gums and creates a model from which the custom-made mouthguard is fabricated. Custom-made mouthguards offer the best fit, comfort, and protection. However, they are also the most expensive type of mouthguard.

Mouthguards should be worn during all practices and games to help prevent injuries to the teeth, lips, tongue, cheeks, and gums. Mouthguards should also be worn if there is a history of bruxism (teeth grinding) or if braces are worn. If a player wears a protective face mask or helmet, the mouthguard should be tucked underneath it so it does not impede breathing.

How to Care for Your Mouthguard

Mouthguards are an important piece of protective gear for athletes. They help to prevent dental injuries, including fractured teeth and concussions. While mouthguards are not required by all baseball leagues, many players choose to wear them to help reduce the risk of injury.

There are two main types of mouthguards: over-the-counter (OTC) and custom-fitted. OTC mouthguards are less expensive but may not provide as much protection as custom-fitted guards. Custom-fitted guards are more expensive but offer a better fit and more protection.

To care for your mouthguard, you should rinse it in cold water after each use and store it in a clean, dry place. You should also avoid leaving your mouthguard in direct sunlight or heat, as this can cause it to warp. If your mouthguard becomes damaged, you should replace it immediately.


In conclusion, baseball players absolutely should be wearing mouthguards while playing the sport. There are many risks associated with not wearing one, including fractured teeth, tooth loss, and concussions. While mouthguards may not be the most comfortable piece of equipment, they could save you from a serious injury.

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