Do College Football Coaches Make More Than NFL Coaches?

It’s a common question, but the answer may surprise you. We compare the salaries of college and NFL football coaches to see who’s making more money.



In college football, head coaches typically earn much higher salaries than their counterparts in the National Football League (NFL). In fact, the average salary for a college football coach is nearly double that of an NFL head coach.

Of course, there are a few factors that contribute to this discrepancy. For one, college football is a far more popular sport than the NFL, which means that there is more money to go around at the collegiate level. Additionally, college football teams are generally much larger than NFL teams, so there are more coaching positions available.

However, the biggest reason for the difference in salaries is likely due to the fact that colleges and universities are non-profit organizations, while the NFL is a for-profit business. This means that colleges and universities have much more flexibility when it comes to setting salaries for their employees.

So, while it is true that college football coaches typically make more money than their counterparts in the NFL, there are a number of factors that contribute to this difference.

Coaching Salaries

College football coaches make more money than NFL coaches. This is because college football is more popular than NFL football. College football coaches also have more control over their teams than NFL coaches.

NFL Coaches

In the National Football League (NFL), the head coach is the leader of the team and the person who is in charge of making all of the strategic decisions for the team. The head coach has a big influence on the team, both on and off the field. NFL coaches are some of the highest-paid people in sports. The average salary for an NFL head coach is about $6 million per year, but some coaches make much more than that. The highest-paid NFL coach is Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots, who makes $7.5 million per year.

College Football Coaches

In general, college football coaches make more money than NFL coaches. This is because college football is a very popular sport, and there are many more colleges than there are NFL teams. In addition, college football coaches usually have longer contracts than NFL coaches, so they can make more money over the course of their careers.

Factors That Affect Salary

The salary of a coach can vary based on many factors. The level of the team, the conference, the division, and the school’s budget can all affect how much a coach is paid. In general, college football coaches make more than NFL coaches. However, there are some NFL coaches who make more than college coaches.

Level of Play

The level of play is the most important factor in determining a coach’s salary. NFL coaches typically earn much more than college coaches because they are coaching at the highest level of football. NFL teams also generate much more revenue than college teams, so they can afford to pay their coaches more money.

Market Size

The size of the market for a particular sport can have a significant impact on the salary that coaches in that sport earn. Generally speaking, the larger the market, the higher the salary. This is because there are more potential fans and thus more potential revenue in a larger market. For example, NFL coaches generally earn more than college football coaches because the NFL is a much larger market than college football.


In many cases, NFL coaches are paid more than college football coaches. This is due in part to the prestige and popularity of the NFL. The NFL is a top professional league in the United States, while college football is seen as a stepping stone to the NFL. NFL coaches also generally have more control over their team’s personnel and strategy than college football coaches.


In conclusion, it appears that college football coaches may make more money than their NFL counterparts on average. However, this does not seem to be the case for all coaches, as some NFL coaches do earn more than college football coaches. It is likely that the decision of which coaching level to pursue depends on many factors, including the individual coach’s level of success and experience, the market value of the particular coaching position, and the particular needs and resources of the team or organization.

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