Do NBA Players Use New Shoes Every Game?

Do NBA players use new shoes every game? It’s a common question among basketball fans, and the answer may surprise you. Click to find out!


It is a common misconception that NBA players receive new shoes every game. While it is true that some players are given new shoes on a regular basis, the majority of players wear the same pair of shoes throughout the season.

NBA Players and Their Shoes

In the NBA, players tend to change shoes often. While some players have signature shoes, others simply prefer the latest and greatest. There are a variety of reasons why players may choose to change shoes, but the most common reason is to get a new shoe that provides more support or comfort. Some players also change shoes to match their uniform, while others change shoes to stand out on the court.

Michael Jordan and Nike

Michael Jordan is considered one of the greatest NBA players of all time, and his partnership with Nike is one of the most successful endorsement deals in history. Jordan’s signature line of shoes, the Air Jordan, is one of Nike’s bestselling shoes, and the brand has been a major player in the basketball shoe market for decades.

Do NBA players use new shoes every game? It’s a common misconception that NBA players receive new shoes every game, but this is not the case. While some players may receive new shoes on occasion, most players wear the same pair of shoes for multiple games. This is because players want to break in their shoes and get a feel for them before wearing them in a game. While players may receive multiple pairs of shoes from their sponsors during the season, they typically only wear one pair at a time.

LeBron James and Nike

LeBron James is one of the most popular and skilled basketball players in the NBA today. He has been with Nike since 2003 and has signature shoe lines with the company. While LeBron has many different shoes that he wears during games, he does not usually wear a new pair of shoes every game. In fact, most NBA players do not wear new shoes every game.

Wearing new shoes every game would be very expensive, and it is not necessary to have the latest shoes to play well. In fact, many players prefer to break in their shoes and get them just how they like them before they start wearing them in games. LeBron, for example, often wears a new pair of shoes for a few practices before he wears them in a game.

So, while you may see some NBA players wearing different shoes each game, it is more likely that they are just rotating between a few pairs of favorite shoes or wearing the same pair of shoes multiple games in a row.

Kobe Bryant and Adidas

Kobe Bryant was one of the most popular and successful players in the NBA for many years, and his signature line of Adidas shoes was very popular with basketball fans. However, recent reports have suggested that Kobe may have stopped wearing Adidas shoes during games.

It is not clear why Kobe would stop wearing Adidas shoes, but there are several possible explanations. It could be that he is unhappy with the quality of Adidas’ products, or that he is considering signing with another shoe company. It is also possible that Kobe is simply trying out different shoes to see what works best for his game.

Whatever the reason, it will be interesting to see what kind of shoes Kobe wears during the remainder of his career. If he continues to wear Adidas shoes, it will likely be because he believes they are the best option for him. If he switches to another brand, it will be interesting to see if his new shoes help him perform better on the court.

Do NBA Players Really Use New Shoes Every Game?

It’s a common misconception that NBA players use a new pair of shoes every game. In reality, it’s up to the player to decide how often they want to change shoes. Some players may go through multiple pairs in a single game, while others may wear the same pair for an entire season. There are benefits and drawbacks to both approaches. Let’s take a closer look.


While it’s true that some players have been known to change shoes mid-game, it’s more likely that they’re just taking advantage of the NBA’s rules. The league allows each player to have up to four pairs of shoes per game, so if a player is wearing a pair that’s starting to fall apart, he can simply switch to a new pair.

Of course, some players are more particular about their footwear than others. Michael Jordan famously wore the same pair of shoes for an entire season, and Kobe Bryant was once quoted as saying, “I only switch shoes if they’re uncomfortable or if they’re giving me blisters.”

So while it is technically possible for NBA players to use new shoes every game, it’s not really necessary. Most players are content to just stick with one pair throughout the entire season.


According to former NBA players, the answer is no. While it’s true that players are each given a new pair of shoes before every game, they usually only wear them for pre-game warm-ups. Once the game starts, most players will go back to wearing their old shoes.

The main reason for this is that new shoes are often too stiff and uncomfortable to play in for an entire game. Although they may look good, they can actually cause more harm than good on the court. Wearing new shoes can lead to blisters and other foot problems, so it’s important to break them in before using them for extended periods of time.

So, next time you see a player wearing brand new shoes during a game, don’t be too impressed – chances are they won’t be wearing them for long!


In conclusion, we can see that NBA players do use new shoes every game, but not for the reasons that some people might think. While it is true that players receive a lot of free shoes from sponsors, they also have to pay for their own shoes and they usually only wear one pair during a game. The real reason that players use new shoes so often is because they want to be able to support their own brand and get paid for it.

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