Do NBA Players Wear Mouthguards?

Do NBA players wear mouthguards? The answer may surprise you. While most players do wear mouthguards, there are some who choose not to. Keep reading to find out more about why players wear mouthguards and why some don’t.

NBA players and mouthguards

Mouthguards are an important part of protecting NBA players from oral injuries. All players are required to wear mouthguards during games and practices. While mouthguards are not required during warm-ups, many players choose to wear them during these activities as well.

Mouthguards come in many different styles and sizes. Many players prefer to have a custom-fit mouthguard made by their dentist. This type of mouthguard is designed to fit the player’s teeth exactly and provides the most comfort and protection. Other types of mouthguards, such as boil-and-bite mouthguards, can be purchased at sporting goods stores. These types of mouthguards can be heated in water and then formed to fit the player’s teeth.

Wearing a mouthguard is an important way for NBA players to protect their teeth and mouths from injury.

Why NBA players wear mouthguards

NBA players wear mouthguards to protect their teeth from being damaged during the game. Dental injuries are common in basketball, and mouthguards can help to reduce the risk of these injuries. Mouthguards can also help to reduce the severity of injuries if they do occur.

To protect their teeth

Mouthguards are devices worn over teeth to protect them from injury. They are most often worn by people who participate in contact sports, such as football, hockey, and lacrosse. Basketball is considered a non-contact sport, but there is still a risk of injury. Players may be hit in the mouth with another player’s elbow or a ball. They may also fall and hit their mouth on the floor. Wearing a mouthguard can help protect players’ teeth from being chipped, broken, or knocked out.

Mouthguards are made from different materials, such as latex-free rubber or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). They come in different sizes and colors. Some mouthguards can be bought “one size fits all.” Others need to be custom-made by a dentist or other dental professional. Custom-made mouthguards are usually more expensive than “one size fits all” mouthguards, but they fit better and offer more protection. Most NBA players wear custom-made mouthguards.

Players should clean their mouthguards after each use with soap and water. They should also store them in a container that allows them air to circulate so they can dry completely between uses.

To prevent concussions

Mouthguards have been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence and severity of dental and orofacial injuries. They are also worn by athletes to protect teeth from being broken by inadvertent blows to the mouth during play.

The use of mouthguards has been shown to reduce the severity of SPORTS-RELATED CONCUSSIONS, such as those that can occur during basketball games. In a study of high school and collegiate basketball players, those who wore mouthguards had a significant reduction in the number of concussions suffered during play.

Mouthguards are not required by the NBA, but many players choose to wear them to help prevent injuries. There is no evidence that wearing a mouthguard will prevent all concussions, but it may help reduce the risk of sustaining one.

How NBA players choose their mouthguards

NBA players have to be very careful when it comes to choosing a mouthguard. They need to make sure that the mouthguard fits properly and does not interfere with their breathing. They also need to make sure that the mouthguard does not impeded their ability to speak. NBA players have a lot of options when it comes to mouthguards and they need to make sure that they choose the right one for them.


There are three primary types of mouthguard materials:
-Ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA)
-Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Latex mouthguards are the most popular type worn in the NBA. They offer good protection and are relatively inexpensive. However, some players are allergic to latex andEVA or PVC mouthguards may be a better option for them.

EVA mouthguards are made from a soft, pliable material that conforms to your teeth and gums. They offer good protection and are comfortable to wear. However, they may be more expensive than latex or PVC mouthguards.

PVC mouthguards are made from a hard, rigid material that does not conform to your teeth and gums. They offer good protection but can be uncomfortable to wear.


Mouthguards come in all shapes and sizes. They also come in different thicknesses, which is important because the thicker the mouthguard, the better it protects your teeth. You want a mouthguard that fits snugly over your upper teeth and doesn’t interfere with your breathing or speech. If you wear braces, you’ll need a mouthguard that’s specially designed to fit over them. You can get custom-fitted mouthguards from your dentist or orthodontist. Or you can buy “boil-and-bite” mouthguards at most sporting goods stores. These mouthguards come in generic sizes, so you have to boil them to soften them, then bite into them so they fit snugly around your teeth.


The cost of NBA players’ mouthguards varies depending on the brand and type that the player chooses. For example, custom-fitted mouthguards can cost up to $500, while over-the-counter boil-and-bite mouthguards can cost as little as $5. Ultimately, the price of the mouthguard is a personal choice for each player.

NBA players and mouthguards: the pros and cons

Mouthguards have been shown to reduce the risk of concussion and other dental injuries in athletes. NBA players are no exception, and many of them choose to wear mouthguards while playing. However, there are also some drawbacks to mouthguards that NBA players need to be aware of. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of NBA players wearing mouthguards.


Mouthguards have come a long way since the days when they were nothing more than a piece of moldable rubber. Today’s mouthguards are designed to protect your teeth, jaws and gums from injury while you play sports. They’re also comfortable and easy to wear, so you can focus on your game instead of your mouthguard.

There are many pros to wearing a mouthguard while playing basketball. Mouthguards can:
-Protect your teeth from being knocked out or fractured
-Prevent your upper and lower teeth from making contact and injuring each other
-Reduce the risk of concussions by absorbing some of the force from a blow to the jaw
-Make it easier to breathe and speak while you’re wearing them

Mouthguards are an important piece of safety equipment for anyone who plays contact sports like basketball. If you wear braces or have any other dental appliances, it’s especially important to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth.


While mouthguards offer some protection for the teeth, they also have some drawbacks. First, they can be uncomfortable to wear, especially if they don’t fit well. They can also make it difficult to breathe and talk. And, because they cover the teeth, they can make it difficult to detect dental problems early on.

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