Do NFL Coaches Get Paid When Fired?

Many NFL fans are curious about whether or not coaches get paid when they’re fired. The answer is a bit complicated, but we’ll try to break it down for you.


In the National Football League, it is not unusual for a head coach to be fired during the season or even after just a few games. Some coaches are even fired before they have coached a single game. While it may seem unfair, this is simply part of the business of football.

So, what happens to the coach’s salary when they are fired? Do they still get paid?

Unfortunately for coaches, the answer is typically no. Most coaches’ contracts include clauses that allow the team to terminate the contract without paying any further salary if the coach is fired. In some cases, the coach may be owed a portion of their salary if they are fired mid-season, but this is typically only a small fraction of what they would have earned if they had stayed on for the entire season.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, however. In rare cases, a coach’s contract may include language that guarantees them their full salary even if they are fired. Even more rare is the case where a coach is owed severance pay when their contract is terminated. This usually only happens in cases where the firing was not due to performance, such as if there was a change in ownership or management that resulted in a new coach being hired.

Overall, though, it is very rare for a coach to get paid anything after being fired from an NFL team. They typically must simply move on to other opportunities and hope for better luck next time.

How Much Do NFL Coaches Get Paid?

NFL Coaches are among the highest paid professionals in the world. They make an average of $5 million per year, with some coaches making as much as $8 million per year. So, it’s no surprise that they are paid handsomely when they are fired. In most cases, NFL coaches are owed the remainder of their contract, which can be a lot of money.

Base Salary

In addition to any bonuses earned, base salary is the other form of compensation NFL coaches receive. How much each coach is paid varies depending on years of experience, accomplishments and the team’s budget.

The average salary for an NFL head coach was $6 million in 2017, according to USA Today’s annual coaches salary database. The Seattle Seahawks’ Pete Carroll was the highest-paid coach at $11 million, while the New York Jets’ Todd Bowles and the Arizona Cardinals’ Bruce Arians tied for the lowest at $2.5 million.

Of the 10 highest-paid coaches in 2017, eight coached teams that made the playoffs. That includes Carroll, who led the Seahawks to a berth in the NFC wild-card game. The Seahawks lost 22-21 to the Dallas Cowboys in that contest.


In addition to their base salary, NFL coaches receive bonuses for a variety of things, including:

Signing bonus: A coach can receive a signing bonus when he is hired by a team. This bonus is typically paid out over the first few years of the coach’s contract.

Performance bonus: A coach can earn a performance bonus if his team meets certain goals, such as winning a certain number of games or making the playoffs.

Longevity bonus: A coach can receive a longevity bonus for staying with a team for a certain number of years. This bonus is typically paid out in the form of additional salary or signing bonuses.

Incentive bonuses: A coach can earn incentive bonuses for individual achievements, such as being named Coach of the Year or winning a Super Bowl.

Do NFL Coaches Get Paid When Fired?

If an NFL coach is fired, does he still get paid the remainder of his contract? It’s a common question among NFL fans, and the answer is usually yes. However, there are a few exceptions. In this article, we’ll take a look at whether or not NFL coaches get paid when they’re fired. We’ll also explore the reasons behind it.

Severance Packages

When NFL coaches are fired, they don’t automatically receive their full salaries for the remainder of their contracts. Instead, they may receive a severance package that pays them a percentage of their remaining salary.

For example, if a coach has two years remaining on his contract and is owed $2 million per year, his severance package might pay him 50% of his remaining salary, or $1 million.

Severance packages are typically paid out in installments over time, and may also include other benefits such as health insurance.

Non-Compete Clauses

In the NFL, coaching contracts often include a clause that stipulates the coach will not work for another team in the league for a set period of time, typically one year. This is known as a non-compete clause, and it serves to protect the team’s investment in the coach by preventing him from immediately signing with a rival.

However, non-compete clauses only apply to coaching positions, not general manager or front office positions. So if a coach is fired, he is still free to sign on with another team in any capacity other than head coach.


In conclusion, NFL coaches are typically paid their full contract when they are fired. However, there are some instances where coaches may not receive all of their money. For example, if a coach is fired before a certain date, they may not receive all of the money that is owed to them. Additionally, coaches may have to repay bonuses if they are fired for cause.

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