Do NFL Players Get Fined For Giving Away Balls?

It’s a common question asked by football fans: Do NFL players get fined for giving away balls to fans? We investigated to find out the answer.

Do NFL Players Get Fined For Giving Away Balls?


It’s a long-standing tradition in the NFL for players to give away game-used balls to fans, but it turns out that this isn’t always allowed. In fact, players can be subject to fines if they give away balls without permission from the league.

So why are players fined for giving away balls? It all comes down to branding and marketing. The NFL has strict guidelines about how its logos and brands are used, and game-used balls fall under that umbrella. If a player gives away a ball without permission, they are effectively giving away a piece of NFL property, which the league does not allow.

Players have been known to get around this rule by signing the balls before giving them away, but this doesn’t always work. In some cases, players have been fined even when they’ve followed this protocol.

It’s important to note that not all players are subject to these fines; only those who give away game-used balls without permission from the league. So if you’re a fan who’s hoping to snag a souvenir from your favorite player, you might want to ask first!

Do NFL players get fined for giving away balls?

It is a common practice for NFL players to give away balls to fans after a touchdown, but what happens if a player does not have a ball to give away? Are NFL players fined for giving away balls? The answer may surprise you.

What is the NFL’s policy on giving away balls?

Do NFL players get fined for giving away balls?

The answer appears to be no. There is no mention of this in the NFL rulebook, and no players appear to have been fined for giving away balls.

However, there are some caveats. First, it’s worth noting that players are not allowed to give away their own game-worn jerseys or other equipment. This has led to some players getting creative with their ball-giving, such as former 49ers quarterback Steve Young, who once gave a ball to a young fan by pretending to throw it into the stands (the ball was actually caught by a teammate). Second, while players may not be fined for giving away balls, they can be required to pay for the cost of replacement balls if they give away too many during a game.

What are the consequences for NFL players who give away balls?

According to the NFL rulebook, it is a “personal foul” for any player to give away a ball that he has just caught or recovered. If a player gives away such a ball, he is subject to a fine of $5,787.


It seems that NFL players do get fined for giving away balls, although the amount varies depending on the player and the situation. For example, Odell Beckham Jr. was fined $24,309 for giving a ball to a fan after a touchdown during a game in 2016.

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