Do NFL Players Get Paid When Suspended?

A look at whether or not NFL players receive their salary while serving a suspension from the league.


In the National Football League, players are paid their salaries and bonuses for playing football. However, if a player is suspended for any reason, they may not receive their salary during the suspension. The player may also be required to repay any signing bonus or other guaranteed money.

What is the NFL’s policy on player suspensions?

The National Football League’s policy on player suspensions has evolved over time. In the past, players were typically suspended for violating league rules or for criminal convictions. In recent years, however, the league has increasingly handed out suspensions for off-field conduct that it deems detrimental to the game.

Even though players are typically still paid their salary during a suspension, they do not receive any of the other perks that come with being an NFL player, such as health insurance or pension benefits. And, if a player is suspended for more than four games, he is not eligible to participate in the playoffs.

The NFL’s policy on player suspensions was most recently put into the spotlight after two high-profile incidents involving domestic violence. In 2014, then-Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was caught on camera punching his then-fiancée in an elevator. He was initially suspended for two games but when video of the incident surfaced, he was suspended indefinitely and release by the team.

Similarly, in 2015, then-Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson pled no contest to a charge of reckless assault after he allegedly used a tree branch to discipline his four-year-old son. He was initially suspended for one game but missed the entire season while he appealed his suspension.

Do NFL players get paid when suspended?

The simple answer to this question is no, NFL players do not get paid when suspended. But there are a few factors that can affect how much money a player will lose while serving a suspension.

First, let’s look at how suspensions work in the NFL. A player can be suspended for a variety of reasons, including violating the league’s personal conduct policy, using performance-enhancing drugs, or even betting on games. The length of the suspension depends on the severity of the offense, and can range from a couple of games to an entire season.

When a player is suspended, they are not paid for the games they miss. However, they still receive their normal salary and benefits during the suspension. So if a player is suspended for four games, they will lose out on four game checks (which are typically worth tens of thousands of dollars). But they will still receive their full salary for the season.

There are also some other factors that can affect how much money a player loses while serving a suspension. For instance, if a player is suspended during the playoffs, they will not only lose out on game checks for the games they miss, but they will also miss out on any playoff bonuses they would have earned had they been able to play. Similarly, if a player is under contract with another team when they are suspended, that team may decide to void their contract (meaning the player would not get paid for any games played while under suspension).

Ultimately, whether or not NFL players get paid when suspended depends on a variety of factors. But in general, players do not receive any compensation for the games they miss while serving a suspension.

How do player suspensions affect team salary caps?

When a player is suspended, their salary still counts against the team’s salary cap. This can put the team in a difficult position, especially if the player is a star or key part of the team. For example, when New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was suspended for four games in 2016, his $13.8 million salary still counted against the team’s salary cap.


In conclusion, NFL players do not get paid when they are suspended. Their contracts are simply put on hold during the suspension and they continue to accrue while they are away from the team. Players are still responsible for any fines or penalties that may be associated with their actions that led to the suspension.

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