Do NFL Players Have to Get Vaccinated?

The NFL has said that players and personnel must be vaccinated against COVID-19 before the start of the 2021 season. What are the ramifications of this decision?

Do NFL Players Have to Get Vaccinated?


The NFL has instituted a new policy for the 2020 season that will require all players to be vaccinated for the flu. This is a change from previous years, when the league had only recommended that players get vaccinated. The new policy was announced in a memo sent to all 32 teams on Monday.

“It is critically important for everyone in our league to be vaccinated against the flu this season,” said Dr. Allen Sills, the NFL’s chief medical officer. “We have seen firsthand how influenza can have a significant impact on our players and our teams.”

The memo said that players who do not get vaccinated will be subject to “disciplinary action” from the league. It is not yet clear what that disciplinary action might be.

The NFL’s decision to require players to be vaccinated comes as the country is dealing with a particularly severe flu season. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that there have been more than 18 million cases of the flu so far this season, and more than 180,000 people have been hospitalized.

What the NFL is saying

In short, the NFL has said that while there is no league-wide policy mandating that players must be vaccinated, they are strongly encouraged to do so. Head coach Ron Rivera of the Washington Football Team has said that any player who does not want to get vaccinated will have to sign a waiver.

What the Players Union is saying

The NFL Players Association is the latest group to come out in favor of vaccinating players against Covid-19. In a statement released Thursday, the union said it “strongly recommends” that players get the vaccine and will work with teams to make sure those who want it can get it.

What the Players are saying

Many NFL players have spoken out about the vaccine, with some saying they won’t take it and others saying they will. New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees was one of the first players to say he wouldn’t take the vaccine, telling Yahoo Finance in February that he “wouldn’t do it.”

“I’m not comfortable with the fact that there are a lot of unknowns about this vaccine,” Brees said. “I think when you make a decision like that for yourself or your family, it should be an informed decision. And I don’t think we have all the information to make that informed decision right now.”

Other players have taken a more cautious approach, saying they want to wait and see how the vaccine develops before making a decision.


It is ultimately up to each individual NFL player whether or not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. However, the league has strongly encouraged players to get vaccinated and has taken steps to make it easier for them to do so. The league has also said that it will continue to evaluate the situation and make changes as necessary.

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