Do NFL Players Live in the City They Play For?

It’s a common question: Do NFL players live in the city they play for? The answer, like many things in life, is it depends.


In the National Football League, there is a common stereotype that players live in the city in which they play. For example, many people believe that all New York Giants players live in New York City. However, this is not always the case. In reality, a majority of NFL players do not live in the city in which they play.

There are a number of reasons why players may choose not to live in the city where they play. One reason is that they may want to be closer to family and friends who live outside of the city. Another reason is that they may feel more comfortable living in a quieter, less populated area. Regardless of the reason, it is clear that many NFL players do not live in the city in which they play.

What NFL Players Live in the City They Play For?

Most NFL players actually do not live in the city they play for. While it is true that some players do live in the city they play for, the majority of players live elsewhere. This is because they want to be closer to their families or they want to be in a city with lower taxes. There are a few players who live in the city they play for, but they are in the minority.

Location, Location, Location

Do NFL players live in the city they play for? It’s a common question, especially among fans of teams that relocate. After all, if your favorite team moves to a new city, do the players move with them?
The answer, more often than not, is no.

There are a few reasons for this. First and foremost, most NFL players have families. And while some players may be single or unmarried, the vast majority have wives and children. Moving to a new city every year (or every other year) is simply not practical for most families.

Another factor is income taxes. Depending on the state in which a player lives, he may be subject to different income tax rates. So if a player lives in Florida (which has no state income tax) and plays for a team in California (which has a state income tax), he will keep more of his salary by living in Florida.

Finally, many players simply prefer to live in the same city year-round. They may have roots in the community or feel more comfortable living in one place during the offseason rather than moving around constantly.

So while it’s not unheard of for NFL players to live in the city they play for, it’s certainly not the norm.

The Cost of Living

Living in the city where you play is not a requirement in the NFL, but it is becoming increasingly popular for players to do so. There are a number of reasons for this, including the increased cost of living in many NFL cities.

Players are paid a salary that is determined by their contract, and this income is often not enough to cover the cost of living in an expensive city. In addition, players may have to pay state and local taxes on their income, which can further increase their costs. As a result, many players choose to live in neighboring cities or even other states to keep their costs down.

One player who has chosen to live outside of his team’s city is Tom Brady of the New England Patriots. Brady lives in Massachusetts, but the Patriots play their home games in Foxborough, which is about an hour away from Boston. Because Brady’s salary is so high, he can afford to live in a more expensive area like Massachusetts. However, other players may not be able to afford this luxury and may choose to live in a less expensive area.

The Lifestyle

The life of an NFL player can be very hectic. They are always on the move, whether it be for practices, games, or appearances. With all of this travel, it can be very difficult to maintain a stable home life. For many players, the solution is to live in the city where they play. This way, they can spend more time with their team and be close to their workplace. It also allows them to avoid the hassles of travel and gives them a chance to build relationships with their teammates.

However, living in the city where you play is not for everyone. Some players prefer to live in the suburbs or even outside of the city. This allows them to have more space and privacy. It also gives them a chance to escape the hectic lifestyle of an NFL player and relax in a more familiar setting. No matter where they choose to live, NFL players have to be careful about their personal safety. Many players have been the victim of crime, even in their own homes.


After doing some research, it appears that the answer to this question is a resounding no. NFL players do not live in the city they play for, with very few exceptions. The vast majority of players live in the suburbs or nearby cities, and some players even choose to live in other states entirely.

So why don’t NFL players live in the city they play for? There are a few reasons. First, it’s simply more convenient to live close to where you train. Players need to be at the facilities early in the morning for workouts and meetings, and they often have evening practices as well. If they lived in the city, they would have to deal with traffic every day, which would cut into their already limited free time.

Second, many NFL players have families, and they want their kids to grow up in a safe environment with good schools. The cities where NFL teams are located are often not the best places to raise a family. And finally, living in a city can be expensive, especially if you want to live in a nice neighborhood. Suburbs and small towns are typically much cheaper than big cities, so it makes financial sense for many players to live outside of the city where they play.

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