Do NFL Players Play Fantasy Football?

It’s a common question for NFL fans: do the players themselves play fantasy football? We took to Twitter to find out.

Do NFL Players Play Fantasy Football?

What is Fantasy Football?

Fantasy football is a game in which people act as the general managers of virtual professional gridiron football teams. The competitors choose their team rosters by participating in a draft in which all relevant NFL players are available. Points are based on the actual statistical performance of the players in real-world competitions. The format was invented by Les Lane in 1962 and has undergone several major variations since then. Fantasy football is part of a larger fantasy sports industry.

How do NFL Players Use Fantasy Football?

Players use fantasy football as a way to stay in touch with the game and their fans. It’s a fun way to follow along with what’s going on in the league, and it can be a helpful tool for player-fan interaction. Many players use fantasy football as a way to connect with their fans on a personal level, and some even use it as a way to give back to the community. For example, Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt started his own fantasy football league in 2013 called the JJ Watt Charity Challenge. In this league, all of the proceeds went to support victims of Hurricane Harvey.

What are the Benefits of Fantasy Football for NFL Players?

Fantasy football has become one of the most popular games in recent years. It is a game in which people act as owners and general managers of virtual professional football teams. The object of the game is to score more points than your opponents.

There are many benefits of fantasy football for NFL players. Fantasy football can help players stay connected with the sport and their fans during the offseason. It can also help players learn more about other teams and players around the league. Fantasy football can also be a great way for players to interact with their fans and build relationships with them.

What are the Risks of Fantasy Football for NFL Players?

The risks of fantasy football for NFL players are twofold. First, there is the potential for economic risk if a player gets injured while playing in a fantasy football league. Second, there is the potential for reputational risk if a player’s performance in a fantasy football league negatively affects his or her real-life NFL career.

In terms of economic risk, if a player gets injured while playing in a fantasy football league, he or she may not be able to recoup all of the lost earnings from that injury. This is because most fantasy football leagues do not have comprehensive insurance policies that cover all injuries. As such, an injured player may have to rely on his or her own health insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment. This could potentially lead to higher out-of-pocket costs for the player.

In terms of reputational risk, if a player’s performance in a fantasy football league negatively affects his or her real-life NFL career, it could damage the player’s reputation among fans, teammates, and coaches. For example, if a player consistently underperforms in a fantasy football league, he or she may be perceived as lazy or uninterested in playing well. This could then lead to the player being passed over for promotions or being released from his or her team altogether.

How to Play Fantasy Football Safely

Fantasy football is a game in which real-life NFL players are drafted to teams composed of fictional players, with the fantasy team scoring points based on the real-world performance of the NFL players. It has become immensely popular in recent years, with an estimated 41 million people playing in the United States and Canada in 2017.

However, there is a dark side to fantasy football: it can be addictive, and some people have lost considerable sums of money by betting on fantasy games. It is important to remember that fantasy football is a game, and like any game, there is always a chance of losing money.

There are a few things that can be done to play fantasy football safely:

– Only bet what you can afford to lose. Fantasy football should be entertaining, not stressful. If you are betting more than you can afford to lose, you are putting yourself at risk.
– Do your research. It is important to know as much as possible about the players you are drafting to your team. The more you know, the better your chances of success will be.
– Be disciplined. Fantasy football can be addictive, and it is important to set limits on how much time and money you spend on it. If you find that you are spending more time than you would like on fantasy football, or if it is causing arguments with your family or friends, it might be time to take a break from it.


While the majority of NFL players do not play fantasy football, there are a small number who do. In most cases, these players are former fantasy football enthusiasts who have given up the game in order to focus on their professional career. However, there are a few NFL players who continue to play fantasy football even while they are actively playing in the league.

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