Do NFL Players Share Hotel Rooms?

Do NFL players share hotel rooms on game days? This is a question that we often hear from fans. While it may seem like a logical assumption, the answer is actually no.


When the NFL season begins, each team is given a hotel list of all the hotels in the city they will be playing in that week. The team then decides which hotel they want to stay in. Most teams choose to stay in a hotel that is within walking distance of the stadium, but there are some teams that choose to stay farther away from the stadium.

When the team arrives at the hotel, they are each given a room key and a list of roommates. The roommates are usually decided by seniority, but there are some instances where rookies will be paired with veterans.

History of NFL Players Sharing Hotel Rooms

NFL players have been sharing hotel rooms on road trips since the league was founded in 1920. While the league has become more sophisticated and wealthy over the years, the tradition of players sharing rooms has remained.

Players cite a number of reasons for why they prefer to share rooms, including the camaraderie it creates and the financial savings it affords them. Many players also say that sharing a room helps them stay focused on the task at hand: winning a football game.

While there are some benefits to sharing a hotel room, there are also some drawbacks. Privacy is obviously limited when two or more people are sharing a small space, and there can be tension if one person snores or stays up late watching TV.

Ultimately, whether or not NFL players share hotel rooms is up to each individual player. Some players prefer to have their own space, while others are happy to share with a teammate.

Why Do NFL Players Share Hotel Rooms?

While it may seem like a strange concept to some, sharing hotel rooms is actually a very common practice in the NFL. There are a few reasons for this, the most important of which is saving money.

NFL teams are only allotted a certain amount of money each year to cover expenses like travel and lodging, so they have to be very careful about how they spend it. One way to cut costs is by sharing hotel rooms, which allows teams to book fewer rooms overall.

Another reason players might share hotel rooms is for security purposes. Since NFL players are often high-profile targets for criminals, sharing a room with a teammate can help them stay safe and avoid any unwanted attention.

So, while it may not be the most glamorous arrangement, sharing a hotel room is just part of the life of an NFL player.

How Do NFL Players Share Hotel Rooms?

Each NFL team is given a block of hotel rooms for their players to stay in on the night before a home game. Depending on the size of the hotel, each player is typically assigned his own room. However, if the hotel does not have enough single rooms available, players may have to share a room with another player on the team. When this happens, it is usually with another player who is also unmarried or does not have children.

What Are the Benefits of NFL Players Sharing Hotel Rooms?

Some NFL players may feel uncomfortable sharing a hotel room with another player, but there are actually several benefits to this arrangement. For one, it helps to build team unity and camaraderie. Spending time together in close quarters can help players get to know each other better and foster a sense of teamwork.

In addition, sharing a hotel room can be a way for players to save money. When players are on the road for away games, they can often get discounts on their hotel rooms by booking them as part of a group. This can be helpful for players who are trying to save money or stick to a budget.

Finally, sharing a hotel room can also be a way for players to stay focused and avoid distractions. When players are on the road, they need to be able to focus on the task at hand: winning the game. By sharing a room with another player, they can avoid any temptation to go out partying or sightseeing and instead stay focused on the game.

What Are the Disadvantages of NFL Players Sharing Hotel Rooms?

Today, most NFL players share hotel rooms on the road with one or more teammates. But that wasn’t always the case. Up until the late 1970s, it was common for players to have their own rooms while traveling with the team.

There are a few reasons why the practice changed. First, it was a way for teams to save money. Second, it was believed that sharing a room would promote team unity and bonding.

However, there are some disadvantages to having players share hotel rooms. For one thing, it can be difficult for players to get a good night’s sleep when they have to share a room with someone else. This is especially true if their roommate snores or talks in his sleep.

Another disadvantage of sharing a hotel room is that it can be hard to get privacy when you need it. If you want to make a phone call or take a nap, you might have to go to another room or wait until your roommate is out of the room.

Finally, sharing a hotel room can be stressful for some players because they might feel like they have to watch what they say and do in front of their teammates.


Based on our findings, it appears that NFL players do not have to share hotel rooms and typically have their own rooms. However, there are some circumstances where players may have to share a room, such as during training camp or if the team is on a road trip and there are not enough hotel rooms for everyone. If players do have to share a room, they typically roommates with another player who is in the same position group.

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