Do NFL Players Still Kneel?

American football has seen players kneel during the national anthem as a form of protest against police brutality and racial inequality. But, do NFL players still kneel?


Since 2016, kneeling during the national anthem has been a controversial topic in the NFL. In 2016, former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick was the first to kneel during the anthem as a way to protest police brutality and racial inequality. Since then, other players have joined in the protest, but many have also been met with criticism from fans, teams, and even President Donald Trump.

So, do NFL players still kneel? The answer is yes and no. While there are still players who kneel during the anthem, there has been a decrease in kneeling since 2016. In 2017, an estimated 200 players knelt or sat during the anthem, but that number dropped to about 150 in 2018. 2019 saw even fewer players protesting, with only a handful of players taking a knee during the season.

There are several reasons for the decrease in kneeling. For one, several players who had been vocal about their protests, like Kaepernick and Eric Reid, are no longer in the league. Additionally, many teams have adopted policies that require players to stand for the anthem if they are on the field. Finally, some players have said they will no longer kneel because they believe their message has been lost amid all the controversy.

What happened?

In 2016, former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to kneel during the national anthem as a way of protesting police brutality and racial inequality in the United States. His actions divided the nation, with many people supporting his right to peaceful protest and others believing that he was disrespecting the American flag.

The issue came to a head in 2017 when President Donald Trump said that any NFL player who knelt during the anthem should be fired. This led to more players kneeling and more division among fans. In 2018, the NFL implemented a rule stating that players must stand for the anthem or stay in the locker room, but this rule was later rescinded after outcry from players and fans.

So, what do NFL players do now? While some players continue to kneel during the anthem as a way of protesting social injustice, others have decided to stand in solidarity with those who have been affected by police brutality. It is clear that this issue is still very important to many people, and it is likely that we will see more demonstrations during the 2019 season.

Why did they kneel?

When Colin Kaepernick first took a knee during the National Anthem in 2016, he said he was “not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

Other NFL players soon joined him in protest. Some kneeled during the National Anthem, while others raised their fists. Some white players even locked arms with their black teammates in a show of solidarity.

The protests caused a lot of backlash. Critics said the players were disrespecting the flag and the military. President Trump even called for players who knelt to be fired.

So why are NFL players still kneeling? For many of them, it’s still about raising awareness for social injustice and racial inequality. And they continue to do so despite the backlash they receive from fans and even their own bosses.

What’s happening now?

As the 2020 NFL season begins, some players are still kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice. Earlier this year, the league said it would allow players to stay in the locker room during “The Star-Spangled Banner” if they don’t want to stand. But many players have said they will kneel anyway.

Here’s a look at some of the NFL stars who have continued to kneel:

Colin Kaepernick: He began kneeling during the national anthem in 2016 to protest police brutality and racial injustice. He is currently a free agent but has said he still wants to play in the NFL.

Eric Reid: He was one of the first players to join Kaepernick in kneeling during the anthem in 2016. He currently plays for the Carolina Panthers.

_Michael Bennett: He has_ _protested by sitting or standing with a raised fist during_ _the national anthem since 2016. He was traded from the Eagles to the Patriots this offseason._


After careful consideration, it seems that the answer to this question is a resounding yes. NFL players do still kneel, and they continue to do so in order to protest police brutality and racial injustice. While some fans may disagree with this form of protest, it is important to remember that these players are using their platform to speak out against social injustice, and they have a right to do so.

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