Do NFL Players Still Kneel During the National Anthem in 2021?

Do NFL players still kneel during the national anthem in 2021? This is a question that many people are asking, and we’ll attempt to answer it in this blog post.

Do NFL Players Still Kneel During the National Anthem in 2021?


Since 2016, when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick first took a knee during the pre-game playing of the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice, the gesture has been adopted by other players and has become a lightning rod for debate.

Some argue that the protests are disrespectful to the flag and to the military, while others see them as a legitimate form of protest against systemic racism. The issue came to a head in 2017, when President Donald Trump said that players who kneel should be fired, and many players responded by kneeling or linking arms in solidarity.

In 2020, following the police killing of George Floyd and nationwide protests against racial injustice, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell issued a statement saying that “we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier” and that “without Black players there would be no National Football League.” He also announced that the league would support efforts to “eliminate racial bias” in policing.

So, what is happening with the national anthem protests in 2021? It’s worth noting that there has been no formal change to the NFL’s policy on the anthem; however, in February 2021, Goodell said that the league is “encouraging” players to stand for the anthem. Some individual teams have also released statements saying they expect players to stand.

At this point, it remains to be seen how many (if any) players will continue to kneel during the national anthem in 2021.

What Happened in 2020?

In 2020, the NFL saw a significant decrease in the number of players kneeling during the National Anthem. This is largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused many players to opt out of the season. However, there were still a handful of players who chose to kneel in protest of social injustice and police brutality.

The 2020 season was also marked by an increased focus on social justice initiatives from the NFL and its teams. Several teams created initiatives aimed at promoting equality and voting rights, and the league launched a social justice platform called Inspire Change.

What’s Happening in 2021?

In 2020, NFL players resumed kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality. The protests were first started in 2016 by then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Since then, the kneeling protests have continued off and on throughout the past few seasons. In 2020, the protests were reignited after the death of George Floyd, a Black man who was killed in police custody.

It’s not clear if NFL players will continue to kneel during the national anthem in 2021. However, it’s likely that some players will still choose to kneel as a way to continue raising awareness about social justice issues.


Based on everything that has happened since 2016, it seems unlikely that NFL players will continue to kneel during the national anthem in 2021. While there are still some players who feel strongly about the issue, the league has made it clear that they would prefer if players stood for the anthem. In addition, several high-profile players have retired or been released from their teams in recent years, meaning that there are fewer players left who are willing to take a stand on the issue. If anything, it is more likely that players will find other ways to protest social injustice, such as wearing special cleats or gloves during games.

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