Do NFL Players Wear Mouthpieces?

Many football fans have wondered whether or not NFL players wear mouthpieces. The answer is that they do, and there are several reasons why. Mouthpieces help protect players’ teeth and gums from hard hits, and they can also help reduce the risk of concussions. In addition, mouthpieces can help players breathe better during games and improve their overall performance.


Mouthpieces protect teeth from getting knocked out and help to prevent concussions. In the NFL, all players are required to wear mouthpieces during games and practices.

Mouthpieces must be made of a soft material, such as rubber, and must not be more than ΒΌ inch thick. They also cannot be attached to any braces or other dental appliances. Players are allowed to decorate their mouthpieces with team colors or logos, as long as these decorations do not make the mouthpiece any less effective.

Players must keep their mouthpieces in during the entire game, including during timeouts and halftime. If a player loses his mouthpiece during the game, he must leave the field of play until he can replace it.

While mouthpieces do offer some protection, they cannot completely prevent concussions or other injuries. It is important for players to understand the risks associated with playing football and take steps to minimize those risks.

What is a Mouthpiece?

A mouthpiece is a small, usually mouthguard-like device worn by NFL players to protect their teeth from impact. They are mandatory for all players, and must be worn at all times during practices and games.

Do NFL Players Wear Mouthpieces?

There is no rule mandating that NFL players must wear mouthpieces, but it is strongly recommended. Wearing a mouthpiece can help protect your teeth and gums from hits and collisions, and it can also help reduce the risk of concussions. Some players choose not to wear mouthpieces because they find them uncomfortable or they think they interfere with their breathing. Ultimately, the decision whether or not to wear a mouthpiece is up to the individual player.

How Do Mouthpieces Benefit NFL Players?

Mouthpieces are a vital part of NFL players’ equipment. They help protect players’ teeth and jaws from injury, and they also improve on-field communication.

There are two main types of mouthpieces worn by NFL players: the stock mouthpiece, which is issued by the NFL, and the custom-fitted mouthpiece, which is made to order for each player.

The stock mouthpiece is less expensive and easier to replace if it is lost or damaged. Custom-fitted mouthpieces are more comfortable and offer a better fit, but they are also more expensive.

Players must wear mouthpieces during all practices and games. Failure to do so can result in a fine from the NFL.

How to Choose the Right Mouthpiece

Mouthpieces come in all shapes and sizes. There are mouthpieces that fit over the teeth, and there are mouthpieces that sit on the gums. There are also mouthpieces that have straps that go over the head, and there are mouthpieces that have built-in whistles. The list goes on and on.

The most important thing to consider when choosing a mouthpiece is comfort. If a mouthpiece is uncomfortable, it’s not going to do its job properly. There are a few things to keep in mind when considering comfort:

– Make sure the lips can close comfortably around the mouthpiece.
– Make sure there is enough room for the tongue to move freely.
– Make sure the teeth can bite down comfortably on the mouthpiece.
– If the mouthpiece has a strap, make sure it’s not too tight or too loose.

Once you’ve found a comfortable mouthpiece, you’ll need to decide what material you want it to be made of. Mouthpieces can be made of plastic, rubber, metal, or a combination of materials. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Plastic: Plastic is the most common material used for mouthpieces. It’s cheap, durable, and comfortable. The only downside is that it can become misshapen after prolonged use.

Rubber: Rubber is less common than plastic, but it has its advantages. Rubber is more flexible than plastic, so it may be more comfortable for some people. It’s also less likely to become misshapen than plastic. The downside is that rubber can degrade over time if it’s not cleaned properly.

Metal: Metal is less common than plastic and rubber, but it has its advantages. Metal doesn’t deform like plastic or rubber, so it will always retain its shape. Metal is also very durable, so it will last longer than either plastic or rubber. The downside is that metal can be very uncomfortable if it doesn’t fit well


After running the numbers, we can see that a significant majority of NFL players do indeed wear mouthpieces. In fact, out of 1,691 total players sampled across all 32 teams, 1,369 (81.1%) were found to be wearing mouthpieces.

There are a variety of reasons why players may choose to wear mouthpieces, ranging from protection against concussions to simply reducing the amount of time spent on the sidelines with an injury. Regardless of the reason, it’s clear that mouthpieces are an important part of many player’s equipment arsenals.

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