Do NFL Players Wear New Jerseys Every Game?

A lot of NFL fans always wonder if the players have to wear new jerseys every game. The answer may surprise you.

Do NFL Players Wear New Jerseys Every Game?


Many NFL fans wonder if the players on their favorite teams are wearing new jerseys every game. After all, with all of the tackling and other contact that occurs during a game, it stands to reason that the jerseys would get pretty dirty and would need to be replaced frequently. However, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, most NFL players actually wear the same jerseys for multiple games in a row, and some players even wear the same jersey for an entire season!

Do NFL Players Wear New Jerseys Every Game?

No, NFL players do not wear new jerseys every game. They are each given a certain number of jerseys at the beginning of the season and they are expected to wear them for all games, practices, and team activities. The only time a player would get a new jersey is if his jersey is damaged beyond repair or if he is traded to another team.

How often are NFL jerseys changed?

NFL jerseys are changed depending on the players’ preference and the type of game. For example, most players change their jerseys after every game because they want to wear a clean jersey. However, some players choose to keep the same jersey for an entire season.

What are the reasons for changing jerseys?

The vast majority of NFL players change their jerseys between games, though there are a handful of exceptions. The primary reason for this is to keep the jerseys clean and free of wear and tear. In addition, players often change their jersey numbers from season to season or during their careers, so they need new jerseys to reflect those changes.

There are also a number of case-specific reasons why players might change jerseys. For example, a player might switch to a lighter jersey in hot weather or a darker one in cold weather. Some players have multiple jersey numbers that they use depending on the situation (e.g., a running back might use a different number when he lines up as a wide receiver). Lastly, players may change jerseys if they suffer an injury that requires them to wear extra padding or other equipment that doesn’t fit in their usual jersey.


After doing some research, it appears that NFL players do not wear new jerseys every game. While it is not entirely clear why this is the case, it seems that teams believe that reusing jerseys helps to create a sense of cohesion and team spirit. Additionally, it may be more cost-effective to reuse jerseys rather than creating new ones each week.

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