Do NFL Stadiums Require Vaccinations?

As the NFL season approaches, many fans are wondering if they’ll need to be vaccinated in order to attend games. Here’s what we know so far.


When the COVID-19 pandemic forced the NFL to play its 2020 season without fans in attendance, it was a tough pill for diehard fans to swallow. After all, part of the appeal of watching football is tailgating and being in the stadium with fellow fans, cheering on your team.

Now that vaccines are being rolled out and more and more people are getting vaccinated, some fans are wondering if they’ll be able to return to stadiums this season. The answer to that question depends on a number of factors, including which state you live in and which team you root for.

Here’s a look at what some of the major NFL teams are doing in terms of vaccinations and stadium attendance for the 2021 season:

The Pros of Vaccinations in NFL Stadiums

The first and most obvious pro is that it would help keep the players safe. If there was an outbreak of a disease among the players, it would be much less likely to spread if they were all vaccinated. It would also protect the players from diseases that they might encounter while on the road, such as the flu.

Another pro is that it would protect the fans. If a player was to contract a disease and then come into contact with fans, there is a risk of those fans becoming sick as well. By vaccinating the players, you would be reducing the risk of this happening.

Finally, vaccinations can help to boost team morale. Players who are healthy are more likely to be able to play at their best, and this can lead to better team performance overall. If a team knows that their players are taking steps to protect themselves from disease, it can create a sense of trust and unity within the team.

The Cons of Vaccinations in NFL Stadiums

The NFL has not yet said whether vaccinations will be required for entry into stadiums this upcoming season, but some experts are skeptical that it would be feasible to implement such a policy.

There are a number of reasons why vaccinations could be difficult to mandate at NFL stadiums. For one, the CDC does not recommend that people who are already vaccinated get booster shots, so there would be no way to verify that everyone entering the stadium had actually been vaccinated. Additionally, it would be logistically difficult to vaccinate everyone who is attending a game, as most people go to the stadium on the day of the game and there would not be time to vaccinate them all. Finally, it is unclear how effective vaccinations would be in preventing the spread of disease, as different strains of viruses can mutate and become more resistant to vaccines over time.

In light of these concerns, some experts believe that it would be more practical for the NFL to require proof of vaccination for employees and team personnel, rather than for fans. This would still allow people who are vaccinated to enter the stadium, but would not mandate that everyone be vaccinated in order to attend a game.

The Bottom Line

At this time, no NFL stadium requires vaccinations for entry, but that could change as more vaccines become available and the league guidelines are updated. In the meantime, fans are encouraged to wear masks and practice social distancing while attending games.

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