Do NHL Players Have to Wear Visors?

Many people are wondering if NHL players are required to wear visors The answer is a bit complicated and depends on a few factors. Keep reading to learn more about visors in the NHL.


NHL players are not currently required to wear visors, but the league is considering making them mandatory. The debate over whether or not visors should be mandatory has been ongoing for many years, and it shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both sides of the argument. Those who support mandatory visors argue that they protect players from serious eye injuries, which can occur even when players re wearing helmets. Those who oppose mandatory visors argue that they can impede a player’s vision and make it more difficult to see the puck.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to wear a visor is up to the individual player. Some players choose to wear them, while others prefer not to. There is no right or wrong answer, and each player has to decide what works best for them.

What are the NHL’s rules on visors?

As of the 2013-2014 season, NHL Players are not required to wear visors. However, any player who did not play in at least 25 NHL games the previous season must wear a visor. Players who have suffered a facial injury in their careers are also required to wear visors.

How do visors protect players?

A visor is a piece of clear plastic that attaches to the player’s helmet and covers their eyes. It is intended to protect the player’s eyes from sticks and pucks that may come flying at them during the course of play. In recent years there has been some debate as to whether or not visors should be mandatory for all NHL players

Those in favor of mandatory visors argue that they greatly reduce the risk of serious eye injuries. They point to studies that have shown a decrease in eye injuries in other sports, such as hockey, lacrosse, and baseball, where visors are commonly worn. Opponents of mandatory visors argue that they do not necessarily provide complete protection from all types of eye injuries and that they can impair a player’s vision, making it more difficult to spot potential dangers on the ice.

At present, the decision whether or not to wear a visor is up to the individual player. However, all players who are entering the NHL must now make a decision on whether or not they will wear a visor before they are eligible to play in their first game.

What are the benefits of wearing a visor?

There are a few benefits to wearing a visor. The most important is the protection that it affords your eyes. A visor will protect your eyes from errant sticks and pucks, as well as flying debris from other players’ skates. It can also help to protect your eyes from the sun during games played in outdoor arenas.

Another benefit to visors is that they can help to prevent eye injuries in the event of a head collision with another player or the boards. And, finally, visors can help to reduce the risk of developing an eye infection, as they create a barrier between your eyes and potential bacteria and viruses.

Are there any drawbacks to wearing a visor?

Wearing a visor can help protect a player’s eyesight, but there are some drawbacks to consider. One is that it can fog up, which can impact a player’s vision. Additionally, it is not uncommon for players to lose their balance and fall backwards while wearing a visor, which increases the risk of head and neck injuries

What do players think about visors?

How do NHL players feel about visors? We asked a few of them.

“I think visors should be optional,” said Florida Panthers captain Derek MacKenzie. “Guys should have the choice to wear one if they want.”

St. Louis Blues defenceman Colton Parayko agreed, saying, “I think it should be a player’s decision. I know a lot of guys who wear them and a lot of guys who don’t.”

Some players said they wear visors for protection, while others said they don’t like the way they obstruct their vision.

“I don’t like the way they fog up,” said Winnipeg Jets defenceman Dustin Byfuglien. “I couldn’t see anything out there.”

“I had one break in my junior career and it just freaks you out,” added Dallas Stars forward Tyler Seguin. “It’s not fun getting hit in the face with a puck.”

How do fans feel about visors?

When it comes to player safety the NHL has come a long way in recent years One of the most visible changes has been the increasing Number of players who choose to wear visors to protect themselves from potential eye injuries.

But not everyone is on board with this trend. Some fans feel that visors make players look soft and that they take away from the toughness of the sport. Others argue that players should have the right to choose whether or not they want to wear one.

What do you think?


Based on the research that has been conducted, it appears that there is no definitive answer to this question. While the NHL does not currently have a rule mandating that players must wear visors, a growing number of players are choosing to do so. This trend is likely due to the increased awareness of the dangers of concussions and other head injuries With more and more players wearing visors, it is possible that the NHL will eventually adopt a rule requiring them.


NHL players are not required to wear visors, but many choose to do so for protection. In 2013, the NHL enacted a rule that all players who had not previously worn visors must do so if they wanted to play in the league. However, there is no penalty for not wearing a visor.

Further Reading

Many players have made the switch to wearing visors in recent years but there are still some who choose not to. Some players feel that visors obstruct their vision, while others simply prefer the look of not wearing one.

There is no rule in the NHL that requires players to wear visors, but there is a rule that requires all players who did not play in the NHL prior to the 2005-06 season to wear them. This rule was put in place in an effort to reduce the number of eye injuries sustained by NHL players

Whether or not a player chooses to wear a visor is ultimately up to them, but it is something that all players should give serious consideration to.

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