Do Tennis Players Shave Their Legs?

A lot of people have asked me whether or not tennis players shave their legs. The answer may surprise you!


Many tennis players shave their legs. While there is no official rule mandating that players must do so, most players find that it offers several benefits. Shaving legs can help to prevent injuries, improve athletic performance, and make it easier to recover from muscle soreness. In addition, many players simply find that they feel more comfortable with shaved legs.

The Pros of Shaving Your Legs

While you may think that shaving your legs is only for swimmers or cyclists, there are actually a few benefits that tennis players can get from shaving their legs. For one, shaving your legs can help reduce friction between your skin and your clothing. This can help you move more freely and improve your range of motion. Additionally, shaving your legs can help you avoid painful foot blisters.

You’re less likely to get injured.

There are a few reasons for this. First, shaved legs mean less surface area for potential cuts and scrapes. Second, hair can actually trap dirt and other debris that can lead to infection if you do happen to get injured. And third, shaved legs just plain look better when they’re healing!

You can move more freely.

Shaving your legs can help you move more freely. If you’re a tennis player, for example, shaving your legs can help you move more quickly and make sudden changes in direction more easily.

You’ll have less drag in the water.

In competitive swimming, every millisecond counts. When you’re in the pool, you want to move through the water as quickly and efficiently as possible. One way to help increase your speed is by shaving your legs. When your hair is removed, there is less drag on your body, which allows you to move more easily through the water.

Shaving your legs can also help you feel more comfortable in a swimsuit. If you’re self-conscious about your leg hair, shaving it can help you feel more confident and comfortable in a bathing suit or other revealing clothing.

Similarly, if you’re a competitive swimmer, shaving your legs can give you a psychological edge over your opponents. Because shaving makes your legs look thinner and sleeker, it can give you a mental boost and make you feel more confident about your appearance. This increased confidence can lead to improved performance in competitions.

The Cons of Shaving Your Legs

While shaving your legs may make you feel more aerodynamic, it can also lead to some unwanted consequences. For example, nicks and cuts are more likely when shaving your legs, which can introduce bacteria and cause infection. Shaving can also irritate the skin and cause ingrown hairs.

It’s time-consuming.

If you’ve ever shaved your legs before, you know that it’s not the most fun activity in the world. It’s time-consuming, and if you’re not careful, it’s easy to end up with nicks and cuts. And if you have sensitive skin, shaving can even cause irritation and redness.

It’s expensive.

Shaving your legs can be an expensive habit, especially if you go to a salon or spa to have it done. The cost of razors, shaving cream, and other shaving supplies can add up quickly. In addition, you may need to have your legs professionally waxed every few weeks if you want to keep them completely smooth.

You have to do it regularly.

If you shave your legs, it’s not a one and done deal. You have to continuously shave them or the hair will grow back. This can be every day, every other day, or every few days depending on how fast your hair grows. For some people, this isn’t a big deal. But for others, it can be a lot of work – especially if you have hairy legs.

Another con is that shaving can sometimes cause irritation, redness, and even cuts. This is more likely to happen if you have sensitive skin or if you’re not using a sharp razor. But even if you don’t have sensitive skin, there’s always a chance that you’ll end up with razor burn or ingrown hairs.

Lastly, shaving your legs can be expensive. You have to buy razors regularly (and make sure they’re good quality so you don’t end up cutting yourself). You also might need to buy shaving cream, aftershave, or other products to help with the process.

The Bottom Line

Whether or not tennis players shave their legs is a personal decision. Some players do it for the aerodynamic benefits, while others simply prefer the way it feels. There is no right or wrong answer, and ultimately it comes down to what makes the player feel most comfortable.


-Do tennis players shave their legs?
-How often do tennis players shave their legs?
-Why do tennis players shave their legs?

Tennis players shave their legs to prevent injuries, to increase their speed, and for aesthetics. Some people also think that it helps them to mentally prepare for matches.

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