Do They Kick The Extra Point In Overtime NFL?

The answer may surprise you.
Do They Kick The Extra Point In Overtime NFL?

The answer may surprise you.

How the NFL overtime works

In the NFL, if the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game goes into overtime. During overtime, each team gets one possession to score. If the score is still tied after both teams have had a possession, the game ends in a tie.

If one team scores a touchdown on its possession, it wins the game. If it scores a field goal, it can still win the game, but if the other team scores a touchdown on its possession, it wins.

The only time an extra point is kicked in overtime is if the team that scored a touchdown kicks off to the other team, and that team scores a safety.

Why the NFL decided to change the overtime rules

In 2017, the NFL changed the rules for overtime in the regular season. The new rule stated that if a team won the coin toss, they could score a touchdown and win the game immediately without giving their opponents a chance to score. In other words, if team A won the coin toss and scored a touchdown on their first drive of overtime, team B would never get the ball. This change was controversial, to say the least. Some people loved it because it made the games more exciting. Others hated it because they felt like it was unfair.

The new rule was put in place in an effort to reduce the number of tie games in the NFL. In 2016, there were 8 ties in the NFL. That’s quite a few! The hope was that by allowing teams to score a touchdown and win immediately, there would be fewer ties.

So far, it seems like the new rule has worked. In 2017, there were no ties in the NFL. But we will have to wait and see if that trend continues in future years.

How the new overtime rules affect the game

Since the NFL instituted a new set of overtime rules for the 2012 season, there have been some changes to how the game is played. One of the biggest changes is that teams must now go for a two-point conversion if they score a touchdown on their first possession of overtime. This change was made in order to prevent one team from automatically winning the game if they happen to score a touchdown on their first drive.

Under the old rules, if team A scored a touchdown on their first drive of overtime, team B would then get a chance to either score a touchdown or kick a field goal. If team B could not match or exceed team A’s score, team A would win the game. However, under the new rules, even if team A scores a touchdown on their first drive, team B still has a chance to win the game by simply converting their own two-point attempt.

The new overtime rules have had a significant impact on how teams play the game. In the past, teams would often try to score as quickly as possible in order to prevent their opponents from getting an opportunity to score. However, under the new rules, there is more incentive for teams to take their time and methodically move down the field in order to score. This has led to more conservative playcalling and has resulted in more games going into overtime than in previous years.

How the new overtime rules affect the fans

In the NFL, there is a new overtime rule that will help to prevent ties. In the past, if the team that won the coin toss scored a touchdown on their first drive of overtime, the game would end. Now, if the team that wins the coin toss scores a touchdown on their first drive of overtime, the other team will get a chance to score. If they score a touchdown, then the game will go into sudden death. If both teams score touchdowns on their first drives, then it will go into sudden death. The only way to end an NFL game in a tie is if both teams score field goals on their first drives of overtime.

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